Serving God and Community

I thank the Lord for finding me worthy to serve in the field of the Gospel. From the beginning of 2024 until April, we have had beautiful and blessed events, both within the pastoral circle and beyond.

The first event took place in January when the church in Bucerdea Vinyasa was in celebration, along with heaven, because an 18-year-old young man professed his faith in the Lord, in the waters of baptism for his whole life. On this occasion, his relatives, unbelieving colleagues, and many others had the opportunity to hear the gospel, and we prayed for their salvation.

On March 8th (Mother's Day), we organized a meeting with the sisters, but also with their unbelieving husbands. After a time of fellowship in the Word, we continued the fellowship by sharing a meal, providing an opportunity for relationship building and getting to know one another. It was a wonderful time.

Together with the churches in the pastoral circle - Bucerdea Vinoasa, Sard, and Telna - we visited the Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Alba Iulia. We had a special time of fellowship; the entire time was allocated to us, through songs, and poems, and then I preached the Word of the Lord. After the program in the church hall, we continued fellowship with the church in Alba in the dining hall, spending time in relationship building and getting to know each other.

Two weeks later, a group of parents together with children from the church in Alba Iulia returned the visit, and after the program in the church hall, we continued fellowship with a snack, cake, and juice. It was a special encouragement for the children in Bucerdea Vinoasa to meet children who are eager to praise the Lord.

We continued meetings with children, teenagers, and young people in Telna and Bucerdea Vinoasa every week. I thank the Lord for the group of young students who are involved in the children's ministry in Telna.

Within the social project, we bought food and made visits, distributing them to the needy.

Through the project "Evangelization through Meeting Needs," we bought firewood for two orphaned children, both with disabilities, from the pastoral circle of Brother Florin Botar, who ran out of firewood during winter.

Also within the same project, we met other needs for people with disabilities (toilet chairs and crutches).

I thank the Lord for wisdom and guidance in the ministry of service and for all those who are with me in prayer and financially.

I pray to the Lord for the PIEI committees in the USA and Romania, and each one.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary