We continued meeting with children at Telna every friday. I am glad of the 17 children who are consistent and are interested in knowing about Jesus as much as possible. Now we are organizing a summer camp from June 17 to 22 at Telna and we pray that God bring as many children as possible. After this summer camp, children will make a program in church, with songs and stories from the camp, and we will invite their parents to participate.

On June 12 and 13, together with a group of British brothers who have experience with children's work, we will go to five schools in the villages Benic, Cetea, Galda de Sus, Intregalde, Ponor where we will have a program with the theme: "Let's know Jesus ​​". We pray that everything will be going well and for the many children and teachers, who will be present there, to open their hearts and let Jesus in!

Thanks to Brother Carl and the Trinity Church for prayer and financial support.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the summer camp to be best organized with attractive programs for children

  • For the children and the teachers in the mentioned schools

  • For the children's parents, to give children the freedom to come to the camp.

God bless you!

Traian Nemes - PIEI Missionary