New House for a Poor Family


Together with the church in Telna and with the support of other churches and people, we have been involved in building a house for two poor children in Telna. The girl is 15 years old and her brother is 13.

The house is composed of kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Now, they live with their parents in a single room of 3.5m / 4m, under difficult conditions. Children's parents are not Christians, but children are coming to church, biblical school and summer camps.

We want this action to be a testimony for all people in Telna, especially for this family.
With God’s help, we want to build the roof of the house by December 20, 2018. After that, we will interrupt the works until after the new year, in which we will continue to pray for the necessary funds to continue the work.

Our desire is that these children to use their new home as soon as possible because their need is real.
Many thanks to brother Carl who supports me in prayer and financial.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Marica Vasile, Angela, Roxana and Darius, to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior;

  • To find the necessary funds to complete the housework.