September 2017


It has been awhile since I shared updates about the work in the pastoral group. I was away with my wife to see our children who live in England. We participated in the baby dedication of our first grandchild. So we became grandparents. We enjoyed a wonderful time there, and are now back.

Due to the fact that the condition of some of the church members worsened because of old age, I needed to focus more on helping them find materials to heat their homes. I visited the sick at home and at the hospital, we sang and had Communion together. I continued the ministry in Mesentea where a group of women are open to the Word of God. They like to sing, to ask questions but it seems hard for them to decide to follow Jesus in action, even though they know they should.

At Telna we started to do home visits to the sick who do not attend church. I did the visits with three sisters. They have shown to be the most receptive to the Gospel. I am glad to be able to go into their homes with a word of comfort, encouragement and hope, to sing and pray for them. Because of this, the neighbors appreciate us. We want this ministry to be more than just appreciations, to be transformative. We want them to receive the Lord Jesus in their life.

I thank the Lord and Trinity Church for the prayer and financial support. I pray for the PIE Organization and for all the ministry workers, wishing that the Kingdom of God would extend to as many hearts as possible.

Prayer Requests:

§  For the group of women from Mesentea, for strength for them to make a decision for the Lord

§  For the sick in Telna, that they would accept the Lord Jesus

§  To find a group of youth who would work with the children

May God bless you!
