There is Joy even for 1 soul

I thank the Lord because throughout the year 2024, I felt His presence and guidance in the ministry field.

I would like to thank God for the people that support me, especially i would like to thank brother Carl and Teri for their financial support this year and I pray that God will bless them and reward them.

We ended a beautiful period of this year, with the thanksgiving holidays to God for the harvest of the field and for all the blessings showered upon us.

Together with the churches from the pastoral circle, Bucerdea Vinoasa, Sard and Telna, the church of Craiva had a get together on the thanksgiving celebration. The next three Sundays, all together in Sard, Bucerdea Vinoasa and Telna, we had a blessed time of sharing in prayer, singing and the word .

On November 24, we again had a special celebration in Bucerdea Vinoasa when a 26-year-old young lady, outside the church, confessed the Lord Jesus in the water of baptism, declaring that the Lord Jesus is her personal Lord and Savior.

My heart is rejocing and I am happy because we can continue the bible school ministry with children in Bucerdea Vinoasa and Telna (in Telna we are having around 15 children, and in Bucerdea Vinoasa 10, both adolescents and young people).

Through the social project I am involved with food, medicine and wood for heating for the elderly and on this occasion I also bring them the Good News - the Gospel.

I pray to God for the PIEI committee in America and for the PIEI committee in Romania together with your families, I appreciate your service.

I wish with all my heart that the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus fills your hearts with Peace and Love and that each one of us remains faithful to the Lord in the work entrusted by Him.

Please consider praying for:

*for Cosmina who was baptized to remain steadfast all her life

*for her husband, for her relatives and for all those who participated in the baptism, may the Holy Spirit work in their lives for salvation

*for the work with children from Bucerdea Vinoasa and Telna, to be interested in bringing other children, but also for those who deal with this work.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


Serving God and Community

I thank the Lord for finding me worthy to serve in the field of the Gospel. From the beginning of 2024 until April, we have had beautiful and blessed events, both within the pastoral circle and beyond.

The first event took place in January when the church in Bucerdea Vinyasa was in celebration, along with heaven, because an 18-year-old young man professed his faith in the Lord, in the waters of baptism for his whole life. On this occasion, his relatives, unbelieving colleagues, and many others had the opportunity to hear the gospel, and we prayed for their salvation.

On March 8th (Mother's Day), we organized a meeting with the sisters, but also with their unbelieving husbands. After a time of fellowship in the Word, we continued the fellowship by sharing a meal, providing an opportunity for relationship building and getting to know one another. It was a wonderful time.

Together with the churches in the pastoral circle - Bucerdea Vinoasa, Sard, and Telna - we visited the Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Alba Iulia. We had a special time of fellowship; the entire time was allocated to us, through songs, and poems, and then I preached the Word of the Lord. After the program in the church hall, we continued fellowship with the church in Alba in the dining hall, spending time in relationship building and getting to know each other.

Two weeks later, a group of parents together with children from the church in Alba Iulia returned the visit, and after the program in the church hall, we continued fellowship with a snack, cake, and juice. It was a special encouragement for the children in Bucerdea Vinoasa to meet children who are eager to praise the Lord.

We continued meetings with children, teenagers, and young people in Telna and Bucerdea Vinoasa every week. I thank the Lord for the group of young students who are involved in the children's ministry in Telna.

Within the social project, we bought food and made visits, distributing them to the needy.

Through the project "Evangelization through Meeting Needs," we bought firewood for two orphaned children, both with disabilities, from the pastoral circle of Brother Florin Botar, who ran out of firewood during winter.

Also within the same project, we met other needs for people with disabilities (toilet chairs and crutches).

I thank the Lord for wisdom and guidance in the ministry of service and for all those who are with me in prayer and financially.

I pray to the Lord for the PIEI committees in the USA and Romania, and each one.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


We started the first month of the year 2024 with a week of prayer. Every evening we met for a time of fellowship in worship together with the churches in the pastoral circle, aware that we need to place our lives under the protection of the Lord as we embark on the new journey of this year.

We continued the Bible School with children in Telna and Bucerdea, and I thank the Lord that they are consistent and eager to know more and more of the Word of Truth.

Last year, one of the young people from Bucerdea, 18-year-old Cornel, accepted the Lord Jesus into his life, and on Sunday, January 28, 2024, after a period of discipleship, he confessed the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior in the waters of baptism.

I pray that the Lord will keep him steadfast in the covenant he has made and that he will be available to serve the Lord.

At this beautiful celebration of baptism, Cornel's grandfather, young people from outside the church, and unsaved people from the village participated, for whom we pray that the Holy Spirit will convince them of their need for forgiveness.

I thank the Lord for Trinity Church and for all who stand with me in prayer and financially.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Cornel to be a good testimony to his colleagues and friends.

  • For the unsaved, that the Lord may add them to His people.

  • For my wife and me, that the Lord may guide and protect us in ministry from the attacks of the evil one.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


Thank the Lord that throughout the year 2023, He granted me health, wisdom, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in my ministry work. I am thankful to the Lord for all the servants in the PIEI organization, pastors, and missionaries, for the occasions of fellowship we shared. It is a blessing to lift each other in prayer.

Together with my wife, we visited widowed sisters and the sick, providing food, and medication, and having a time of prayer and encouragement. Alongside the children from Telna and Bucerdea, we prepared the Christmas program, which was a blessing for the churches.

I had the opportunity to visit the schools and kindergarten in Benic and Intregalde to speak to the children and educators about the most precious gift—JESUS—and to share gifts with them. I pray and hope that the seeds sown will bear fruit for the Glory of the Lord.

I express gratitude to Trinity Church for showing their love towards me through prayer and financial support again this year. May God bless and reward you.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the children and educators to whom I spoke about the Lord Jesus.

  • For Cornelut, who has decided to be baptized.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Wonderful Fellowship

In November, we organized a meeting with the churches in the pastoral circle of Bucerdea Vinoasa, Sard, and Telna. The location was the PIEI Christian Center in Alba. The purpose was to have a time of relaxation, and relationship-building, to get to know each other better, understand our needs, and figure out how we can help each other.

It was a wonderful fellowship; the brothers and sisters felt so comfortable that at the end of the three-hour meeting, they proposed having a regular time together every month.

We visited widowed and sick sisters, sang, and shared from the Word of the Lord, encouraging them to remain faithful regardless of the circumstances we go through.

I thank the Lord for the work with children in Bucerdea Vinoasa and Telna, and I am very happy for those who have remained consistent.

Two weeks ago, an 18-year-old young man from Bucerdea Vinoasa, after completing the Bible Study, asked me to stay back for a moment because he wanted to share something with me. I saw the joy radiating from his face. He told me that he received the Lord Jesus into his heart and desired to be baptized. I prayed for him right then, embraced him, and encouraged him for this crucial step in his life.

I thank those who stand with me in prayer and financially. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Cornel, the young man who decided to be baptized, remained steadfast in his decision until the end.

  • For the young people involved in children's ministry in Telna, the Lord may give them wisdom, guidance, and effective methods to attract children.

  • To find financial resources for the social project to meet the needs of the poor.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Pleasant Events

The month of October was filled with pleasant events. We had three special fellowship days with brothers: Cornel Stef, Alex, sister Rodica, Walter, pastors, and missionaries from PIEI.

It was a time of relaxation, communication, and encouragement, but also a time when we had the opportunity to share the challenges we face in ministry and how to support each other.

Together with the churches in the pastoral circle of Bucerdea Vinoasa, Sard, and Telna, we met for three Sundays for a special time of worship, praise, and thanksgiving to the Lord for the fruits of the land with which God has blessed us this year.

I am thankful to the Lord and full of joy because I have found a group of young students to take care of the Bible School with children in Telna, and they have started the work.

With the help of the Lord, we continued the Bible School with the group of teenagers in Bucerdea, and I pray that through them, their classmates and friends will be drawn to join.

I thank the Lord for those who are with me in prayer and financially.

May God bless all the servants of the PIEI Association.

Prayer Requests

  • For the work with children in Bucerdea and Telna, for seriousness and continuity.

  • For Silvia and Sebastian (Silvia's son) who have started coming with us for worship on Sunday mornings, may she not be hindered by her husband.

  • For the unsaved people who participated with the church in the Thanksgiving Celebration, for their salvation.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Eager To Come

After the vacation period, a specially blessed time spent together with the children and grandchildren, I have resumed my ministry, and I thank the Lord.

I am very joyful that we have started the Bible School with the teenagers from Bucerdea Vinoasa, coinciding with the beginning of the school year. My heart was full of gratitude towards the Lord because I saw the children eager to come back together. I pray that this school year they will be consistent in their attendance and that they will desire to bring along other classmates and friends.

Throughout the entire summer vacation, I prayed and searched for potential young student leaders who could take care of the children in Telna. I wanted to invite those who participated in the summer camp and wanted to learn more about the Lord Jesus to join our Bible School. I thank the Lord that I found young people willing not only to teach but also eager to come. We hope to start on September 29th.

I visited the widowed sisters who were in need of food, medicine, and firewood for the winter. I pray to the Lord to provide financial resources so that I can help these widowed sisters who are going through difficult times and have also been affected by floods.

Thank you to those who stand with me in prayer and financially.

May God bless you!

Prayer Requests:

  • For the children from Bucerdea Vinoasa to be filled with passion to bring other children to the Bible School.

  • That the Lord would put in the hearts of the children from Telna to come to the Bible School.

  • For the young people who take care of the children, guidance from the Holy Spirit, and methods to attract the children.

  • To find financial resources to meet the needs of the widows.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Filled With Activities

July was filled with activities. In the first week, we had a blessed time together with brother Cornel Stef, sister Gabi, and missionaries with their wives from PIEI. It was a time of encouragement through the Word of the Lord and personal experiences in the ministry of service.

The following week, from July 10th to 15th, we had a Vacation Camp in Telna with a team from England, a well-prepared team for working with children. I thank the Lord that 62 children participated. On the last day, Friday, July 15th, parents were invited to participate, during which the children presented a program in front of their parents showcasing what they had learned during the camp. I am glad that 10 parents were present, and we pray that God will touch their hearts and draw them to the Lord through their children. We also pray and desire to continue the Bible School with children in both Bucerdea and Telna when the new school year starts in September.

In the following week, starting from July 17th, we had a time of fellowship and a Bible study with eight pastor families and two brothers from the USA. We also had a time of rest and relaxation in the midst of nature in the Apuseni Mountains.

Towards the end of this month, we had two funerals, one in Sard and one in Telna. On these occasions, I preached the Word of God, and many people heard the Gospel. I pray that the seed sown will bring forth fruit for the Glory of the Lord!

I thank the Lord for those who stand with me in prayer and financially. May God bless and reward you!

Prayer Requests:

  • For the children who participated in the Camp and for their parents.

  • For the willingness to start the Bible School in September in Telna.

  • For a team of young people willing to work with children.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Helping Hand

In June, several localities in the country, including the commune of Ighiu, were severely tested due to the floods that occurred. The localities, such as Bucerdea Vinoasa, Telna, Sard, the places where I serve, have suffered significant material damages. They are in need of rebuilding exterior walls, major repairs to residential houses, cooking stoves, refrigerators, beds, and many other items. We had brothers and sisters from the church who were greatly affected by the floods.

We called upon volunteers from other churches and helped remove the mud from the flooded homes and basements of our believers, as well as a family from outside the church. The wife and other sisters cleaned the rooms. Through this action, I believe we were of real help to our brothers and sisters and also served as a good testimony to the unbelievers. I pray that as a result of this trial, they will draw closer to God.

I have continued the meetings with the teenagers for Bible study, and I am glad that so far they have been consistent and interested in learning from the Holy Scripture. I am also involved in preparing the materials necessary for the Vacation Camp that will take place from July 10th to 15th, and we are praying for the team that will be involved.

Thank you to all those who are with me in prayer and support financially. God bless you!

Prayer requests:

  • For those who have been flooded to overcome their situation.

  • For the Lord to make us sensitive to their needs.

  • For the summer camp, many children may be interested in participating.

  • For the Lord to rebuke any opposition to the camp.

  • For the team that will work with the children.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

With Dedication

Thank the Lord, for the blessed time spent with children and grandchildren, a beneficial time for each one. We have visited the sick and the poor and have brought them food.

We are preparing the necessary materials for the successful organization of the summer camp, which will take place from July 10th to 14th. We have continued the Bible School with the teenagers from Bucerdea, and I am glad that they are consistent and eager to bring other friends to our meetings. I am grateful to those who stand by me in prayer and financially. May God bless you all!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

God Will Add

I paid visits to the sick sisters who couldn't go to church with a prayer time, a word of encouragement, and we had the Lord's Supper. I am glad that whenever I visit sick brothers and sisters I have the opportunity to talk to the unsaved in the families about the Lord Jesus. We continued Bible School with teenagers and thank God that the ones we started with are consistent and every time we meet we invite other children from the village.

We started with six children in the church and now there are ten and we pray that God will add, and children will always invite their colleagues to our meetings. Thank God for health and guidance in service and those who are with me in prayer and financially. God bless you!

Prayer Requests: 

  • For the unsaved in the families of the brothers and sisters to whom I have spoken about the Lord Jesus 

  • For the children newly arrived to the Bible School not to be influenced by those who want to stop them.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


With the help of God, we have visited the poor and the sick, providing them with the necessary food as well as the Bread of Life.

I continued the Bible Discipleship with a group of teenagers and young people from Bucerdea. I am very happy and thank God for adding two more teenagers from outside the church.

After they arrived home, the mother of one of the two wrote me a message thanking me for having him and she was very delighted that he came willingly. I pray that he stays forever on the way of the Lord and through him that the parents come too to hear the Gospel.

Prayer Requests: 

  • To find resources so that I can continue the social project for the poor and sick 

  • For Sebastian who came to the Bible School for the first time and for his parents

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Desire to make Him Known

We ended the year 2022 in the house of the Lord, having the opportunity of all those who had a special experience in the year that ended to say it publicly, or a testimony of encouragement. 

After brothers and sisters came with testimonies and experiences we had a short biblical message. At the end of the program in the church we continued the partition in the dining room where we served the delicious food prepared by our sister.

First day of the New Year we started it all in the House of the Lord and continued it all week, every evening at a time of prayer. We resumed our meeting with the young people after the holiday period and I am glad for their desire to continue Bible School.

I made visits to children outside the church, some of them facing financial problems and others fatherless. I talked to them about the most precious gift, the Lord Jesus, and after that I gave them gifts. Thank God those who are with me in prayer and financially. 

Prayer Requests: 

For those who were with us in the week of prayer and are not saved, may the Lord search their hearts.

For young people not to be influenced by friends, in abandoning the Bible School.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Month full Of Blessings

Thank God for throughout the year, I have benefited from His protection, wisdom and guidance in service! Thank the Trinity Church for its prayer and financial support and everyone who has supported me in the projects in which I am involved.

May God bless and reward you in the new year. December was decorated with special events. On 2nd & 3rd of December, we had a special time with the PIEI missionaries at Podari. We learned from the Word, we learned from each other, we shared wonderful experiences! We were with the poor, we bought food for them. On Sunday the 18th we met brothers and sisters from four churches: Sard, Telna, Bucerdea and Craiva at the location of the church in Craiva at a time of fellowship in carols and word.

On the 25th and 26th I served in the church in the pastoral circle: Bucerdea. Telna, Sard, young people had a program and received gifts. I am glad that we also had obedient friends outside the church. I pray that the seed of the Word will bear fruit in their lives for the glory of the Lord and their salvation. I continued Bible school with teenagers every Friday afternoon. 

Prayer Requests:

  • For unsaved men who heard the Gospel on the occasion of the celebration of the Lord's Birth 

  • For teenagers to remain consistent at the Bible School 

God bless you!

Tani Nemes -PIEI Romania Missionary

More And More Like Jesus

In November through the grace of the Lord I continued every Friday to meet with the group of young teenagers at the Bible school.

I am glad for the interest shown in knowing more and more about the Word of the Lord and being open to share joys, but also critical situations that are facing.

Along with my wife we visited a church nurse who is admitted to a nursing home who is sick with Parkinson. We had a time in which we prayed together and I am glad that we were a comfort and encouragement for our sister.

With regard to the social project, I was concerned that widowed and sick sisters should have firewood for heating. Thank God we found the financial resources and bought for a sister, we continue to help other sisters who need wood. I pray that the Lord rewards those who are with us in prayer and financially. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • For children who come to Bible School to be consistent, serious and interested in bringing other children

  • To find financial resources to continue to be with those who face poverty

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


October was loaded with special events involving churches in the pastoral circle. We have organised in every church "The Thanksgiving," to which we have invited fellow pastors to have a message from the Word of the Lord and groups of singers who have elevated the Lord's name by singing.

On this occasion the brothers and sisters of every church invited neighbours, friends, relatives to join us at the feast. I enjoy every occasion when people listen to the Word of God.

The mayor was invited and honoured us with his presence at this celebration. We continue the social project, with those who need food, medicine and wood for the winter period.

I enjoy my meetings with the teenagers of Bucerdea, every Friday. I pray that the Lord gives me strength and resources to continue this beautiful work.

Thank God for all those who are with me in prayer and financially in this great and noble service.

Prayer Requests:

  • For those who participated in the thanksgiving outside the church, to have an attitude of gratitude to God, for the greatest gift our Lord Jesus. 

  • To find resources for the social project

  • For the adolescents attending school the Bible be persevering

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Bible School Resumes

With the beginning of the new school year we resumed courses at the Bible School with teenagers in Bucerdea Vinoasa.

I'm glad two boys came from outside the church. We had more free time, telling stories over a glass of juice and pizza. We prayed together for the children of the village, encouraging them not to be ashamed of the Lord Jesus and to invite colleagues and friends to come with us to the Bible School.

We continue social projects, especially at this time of winter to help the widowed sisters with food, medicines and wood for heating. Thank God for all those who join us in these projects. 

Reasons for prayer: 

  • To add to the number of children and others outside the church 

  • For parents to agree to their children’s participation in Bible school

  • To find young people willing to help me in my work with children

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


During the children's holiday we organized a trip and with the children from the Bible School, we had a blessed time visiting several locations in Sibiu, including the zoo.

We had the opportunity to tell me about the problems they face and also the joys they experience during the holiday period. I think our relationship has been strengthened and we are expecting the resumption of Bible School courses.

We continue the social project by buying food, medicines, firewood and paying bills to widows and orphans. I thank the Trinity Church who are with me in prayer and financially. God bless you! 

Reasons for Prayer:

  • To find financial resources for the social project

  • To find financial resources for Bible school meetings, each time we offer them a snack

  • To find young people who want to take care of Bible school and to teach children

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary


In July I had a blessed time with brother Cornel, the group from the United States and our Romanian PIE missionaries.

It was a time of relaxation and partnership, each shared our experiences of service, testimony and encouragement. It was a beneficial time for every missionary.

I am involved in a social project and in a church planting project, but I want to thank the brothers in the States who have supported us in prayer and financially. Without their help the service would be much more difficult. I would like to continue the projects together with our brothers in the States.

With the help of God we are also continuing the evangelism project by fulfilling needs. Now we are helping build a modest house for a widowed and sick sister. She has problems with both legs and it is very difficult for her to stand. At this time she lives in a very dilapidated room, and into unseen cracks in the wall she puts all kinds of carpets to cover the cracks. 

Reasons for prayer:

  • For the brothers in the States to be interested in these projects 

  • To help sister Elena and continue the work and finish the house before winter so that she can move into the new home. May it be that through this we can have a good testimony in our community

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Evangelism By Fulfilling Needs

With the help of God we organized eye consultations at the Baptist church in Telna.

We invited a team of doctors from Timisoara who offered free consultations and gave glasses to those in need. Our purpose was evangelism by fulfilling needs.

I talked to people who came to the consultations about the Lord Jesus. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to convince them of their need of salvation.

I thank Trinity Church for their financial assistance. I pray God repays them.

Prayer Requests:

  • For those with whom I have spoken to know the Lord Jesus

  • For the children of Telna and Bucerdea not to turn away from the Lord during this holiday period

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary