Live testimonies

We thank God for all the opportunities he gives us to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, both to the youngest and the oldest.

After a visit to some young people, I spoke with them, I have a good relationship with them, I sat with them at the table, and shared the word with them. They are not believers.

About the gym ministry, we continued to have 2 meetings a week. At the end of each meeting, we get together, have a soda together, we get talk more and we become friends.

On the last visit to Albac, Nicu, one of the hosts who welcomed us in their house, expressed his desire to follow the Lord. I studied the word together with him for a long time. He recently went through a surgery, and The Lord searched Him.

I would like to ask you to pray :

- carols evening in Campeni when we;ll have guests from Alba - the Emaus worship band

- Guidance when it comes about the meetings with the families in Albac

- For the group of carolers with whom we will go to convey the Nativity of the Lord

- Meetings at the gym and for the young people who come.

Alsom i would like tot thank you for your support, encouragement, prayers.

We wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!!!

Relu Rodean - PIEI Romania Missionary