The work with the orphans


The work with orphans in Abrud

I go to two orphan houses in Abrud (at Gura Cornii-8 young people at near the train station - another 8 young people)

Every month I visit and take them sweets and fruits (sometimes clothes) I tell them from the Bible.

They are interested in certain Scripture images (and color them together). It is right that their mental development is low but they certainely have a special understanding of the spiritual things.

It's very interesting for me to see how much they want to be visited (not because they get something) but because they need love too.

There are a few of them who spend time with some families from Abrud into their homes, but this does not fulfill their need for a true family to love them.

I pray for them and I want the Heavenly Father to protect them every day.

"The pure and unworthy religion before God, our Father is to investigate orphans and widows in

their troubles, and keep ourselves safe from the world "(James 1:27)

Please receive my special appreciation for your support!

May our Father in Heaven bless you each and every day!

Florin Botar