Christmas Time / Help for Poor Families & Childrens

Praise be to the Lord for all His help in 2017. Throughout hard and easy days we felt His blessed Hand with us. In December we had several meetings before Christmas when we sang carols and had talks about the birth of Jesus Christ. At Ms. Vetuta’s in Sohodol (our church neighbor), we had a great time of evangelism. She loves old carols, and we sang lots of them. At Sister Dorica’s in Sohodol we prayed together for her non-believing family, and sang carols for a long time. At Brother Morcan’s in Brazesti, we had great fellowship, celebrating the birth of our Savior. Before Christmas, we gave lots of presents to groups of children (see photos with the orphans in Abrud, and a very poor family with their children). They received clothing, food and toys. In Ponorel, we hosted our brothers from the Pentecostal church from Abrud. They sang lots of carols that energized all participants. We continued to meet in homes, for prayer. I saw many non-believing families.

Now at the beginning of the new year, I wish you special blessings from the Heavenly Father. I appreciate your support greatly. You are in our heart and prayer, daily.
