Updates from January

January was a month filled with snow storms, bitter cold and difficult road access especially around hills. However, I got to make home visits to the believers and non-believers. Some of the church members ended up in the hospital, like brother Mircea, and others had family issues. I got to spend time with each of these and pray together.

In Ponorel, I talked from the Bible and prayer with the Dragoiu family. Brother Todor’s daughter-in-law, Marinela, and his son Ionut do not yet believe, but are very close to the Truth. We pray for sister Adriana’s husband, Gicu, who drops her off and picks her up from church services every Sunday, but he refused to go to church himself. The spiritual battle in the families is very big, but we believe in the Lord’s victory. This month I helped one of our needy families: sister Livia, a widow with two children with mental health problems. I make it a point to help this family any time I and the church can.

In Sohodol, I keep praying for Nicu, Ion and the Balea family, who have all been to church and whom I meet with consistently.

Prayer Support:

-          For me and my family, for health and divine guidance

-          For brother Mircea and his health problems

-          For Marinela and Ionut, for salvation

-          For Gicu in Ponorel

-          For Nicu, Ion and the Balea family, for a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus

-          For spiritual counseling through the Nehemiah course

Grace and peace from our Savior Jesus Christ!

Pastor Florin Botar