Florin Botar - August Newsletter

During the month of August with continued the work of evangelism in Ponorel and Sohodol, and at the missionary center in Baia de Aries. In Baia de Aries, a young man named Gelu, who is not a believer but is eager to learn about the Word of God, came to join our prayer group. I talked with him for a long time and I encouraged him to read from the Bible daily, and when she sees things he does not understand, to write them down so that we can discuss together.

In Sohodol there are two women (Felicia and Emilia) whose husbands are not believers. They have a heavy burden to carry because of them. With one of them named Ioan I tried to have several conversations about salvation but he is very much against this. I also met with Mr. Nicu, a man who came several times to our church and who knows much from the Scripture. He knows what he needs to do, but his family does not believe, which constitutes a hindrance for him.

In Ponorel I visited the family of Mrs. Iulica (who came to an evangelism service in July) to encourage her to be steadfast. She knows what the Bible says about salvation, but she also needs the fellowship with the believers. She has a neighbor, a believer, who helps her very much.

During this month my father Iosif was hospitalized in Abrud with an emergency, and we thought he would be bed ridden, but God healed him after several days; Blessed be His name.

Support and prayer for:

-         Gelu from Baia de Aries, who is not a believer

-         Felicia and Emilia who suffer greatly because of their non-believing husbands

-         Mr Nicu fromSohodol, who is not a believer

-         Mrs. Iulica and her family who are not believers

-         My father Iosif who is 93 years old, so that God would provide health so he would not become helpless when older


With all brotherly love and consideration, in the name of the Lord Jesus,

Pastor Florin Botar