Children's Ministry

Dear brothers and sisters

I hope you are well. We appreciate you praying for us, we are grateful for the blessing that it is knowing that people like you are praying for us and God’s ministry here in Mihalt.

This time specifically we would like to ask you to pray for a meeting that we are going to have with the children and teenagers that have participated at the last VBS that we had at the center in Alba Iulia, through God’s grace. We are planning to have this little event on Friday, where we can meet with the children again and continue to share the Gospel with them. There are also going to be songs and games. We do not want to lose contact with them, but hopefully become closer to each other and together, closer to God.

Please pray for the children to come with open hearts and for us to have a wonderful time praising the Lord together.

On the other side, Teodora, our daughter is doing well. Besides work, she has found a church close to her that she goes to every Sunday, met with the Pastor there, and a few other families that have been blessings to her. More than half of her time there has passed and we can’t wait to see her again and have her back in Romania, but for the time being, we are grateful to see God at work in her life as well.

If you would like us to pray for anything, please let us know!

Be blessed!

Daniel Petrut - PIEI Romania Missionary