Be thankful for all things

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Dear brothers in Christ,
In the Bible, we are urged to be thankful to God for all things. All things also mean the bad things and trials that God allows for a while in our lives. We know that all things work for our good, but we understand that only faith helps us to be thankful for all things.
Unexpectedly, an very active sister in Christ from Craciunelu de Jos passed away. Sister Lenuta was very helpful in this part of the work; dynamic and faithful, a balance factor for her family and for the local church. She was 63…
Two days after Lenuta's funeral, Brother Aurel of Bucerdea Granoasa passed away. In the case of Brother Aurel, leaving to the Lord meant a release from a sick and suffering body. He was 78... When I baptized him, in 2013, he couldn't declare his faith publicly out loud. He had a throat operation and his vocal cords were irremediably affected. We established that he will answer my questions by raising his hand. Many people of the church were watching with tears ... now, our brother went to rest!
By the grace of God, we continue our run until it’s our turn to go home. Friday's meetings at Mihalţ are more and more important & desirable for each of us. We start the day with fasting and prayers, and in the evening, at the end of fellowship in the Word, with songs and prayers. After that, we extend our fellowship to a table of love, eating together.

Prayer Requests:

  • For my spiritual and physical health: blood pressure has long been above acceptable levels;

  • For revival of the local churches we serve;

  • For God to open new opportunities for us to serve the unsaved people;

  • For my family: protection in the demonic attacks that come upon us.

Daniel Petrut - PIEI Missionary