Our dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We thank the Lord for the way He uses us in mission, sometimes in the most unexpected ways, as we seek to be sensitive to the whispering of the Holy Spirit and to continue to let ourselves be led by Him in everything that we do.
We have entered the new year while being in the village where Rahela was born. Even though they are old now, her parents are still active and enjoy raising animals and gardening. One day, while her mother was taking care of the animals, she fell, dislocated a vertebra in her spine, and was bedridden for more than a month. In this context, we have spent most of the first two weeks of this year there, trying to encourage them and be helpful. While there, we have attented and got involved in the local church and in a smaller church in a nearby village and served during Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday church services and meetings with young families and youth during the other days of the week.
I was very happy to be able to reconnect with people I hadn't seen in many years and to see how, despite the long time that has passed and the different stages of life that we have been through, we can still have fellowship in the Lord and talk about the Scriptures together with a great joy, being bound by the blood of Christ.
If you feel the desire to, please pray for my mother-in-law, she has a little bit more mobility now and can take small walks, but is still in a lot of pain. Likewise, unfortunately, we have seen the same issue that we have in the churches from our ministry over here, there as well. Churches that used to be full of life and love for the Lord and His Word, are becoming more and more empty. Our churches and communities need revival, please pray about this too.
When we have returned home, we had a couple of meetings with the young people from here. We appreciate every opportunity that we have to try and be close to them, to motivate them and encourage them to serve the Lord.
One thing that has been going well and that we praise God for is the opportunities to visit the believers from our churches and their families. We have been trying to plan more of these visits and use the doors that are open to us for a while now and recently, we had the opportunity to visit a sister that gave her life to Christ a couple of years ago and is the only believer in her family. During this visit, I was grateful about the opportunity to talk to her husband, gently approach the subject of salvation and be able to invite him to church. I pray that he will come. We also continue to take care of the sick brothers and sisters in the church, sister Paraschiva is better, but she still isn’t able to come to church, because of her health issues.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and hearts, God bless you all!
Daniel C. Petrut - PIEI Romania Missionary