Our God, the God of Wonders


I want to share with you some of the most important mission events in recent weeks. I continued to maintain relationships with the families I evangelize. I meet them occasionally and I managed to get close to them, linking a friendship, and in this way I have greater openness to share them the gospel. Some of the families I evangelize came to the church with me several times.

In April we began the missionary work in the village of Danet. One of the people we have evangelized, hearing the truth of the Scriptures, he expressed his wish to be baptized.

From the beginning of April, my daughter, Sara took in the apartment as a roommate a 25-year-old girl she found on the street and who had no place to live. She was taken by me and my family to the hospital because she had some medical problems. She was also exposed to the gospel by myself and my wife on a Sunday, even going with us to the Church.

For a while, I began to pray and to fast before the Lord to bring me forward to proclaim the Gospel to trusted people who, once converted, will be able to teach others, according to 2 Timothy 2:2. After a feather at the car, I went to a vulcanization service. There I met a man named Paul, who showed himself to be very open to the gospel. He invited me to his house, to tell him more of the Gospel, and in the near future I plan to visit him with my wife.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the local church to receive more courage and elan in the ministry.

  • We pray that God will bring to the repentance worthy believers to be able to carry the gospel further by teaching others the way of repentance;

  • For Danet village, God give us light, guidance and authority in presenting the Gospel in this village and opening people's hearts to the Word.

  • For the children who grew up in the Church but have a great attraction to the world. The Lord bring into their lives an authentic return to Him.

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary