Missionary visits

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My beloved brothers from PIE, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you are doing for me.

I realize that I wasn’t at the highest point lately and maybe I didn’t exceed your expectations so I want to apologize and to pray that God will give me the strength to continue His work.

This year, through the kindness and faithfulness of God, had a very good start. We went to see a few families from our church and in every meeting we had prayer time, fellowship and each one of them expressed their desire to serve the Lord. However, their children don’t have a relationship with Jesus so they are very sad about it.

This month we wanted to bless the people with the Word of God so we had a few meetings:

  • with Marian from Caciulatesti we had a blessed time talking about faith in Jesus Christ;

  • on 8th January we went to Dobresti to see Ilie, a professor, and Monica, an economist; we told them about faith in Jesus and eternal life;

  • on 10th January we met a man from Gheta and we shared with him the Gospel;

  • on 20-21th January we were at two funerals where were a lot of people so many of them heard the Gospel including Stelica, a sick man;


Please pray for:

  • passion in the church from Caciulatesti;

  • Marian, Ilie, Monica si Stelica; we pray that God will do His work in their lives;

  • open doors to share the Gospel;


With love, your brother in Christ,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary