Updates from August

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you for the grace that God has poured upon you, that He has made it your heart to help us both material and spiritual. May God bless and reward each one of you.

On Aug. 28 there were a few brothers and sisters from Bocsa at an evangelistic service at our church where some non-Chirstians took part, such as Aurel Enache, Adi Dobric, and others who were interested and listened to the Gospel.

This month we visited some families such Iova Ioan and Elena, Avram Marian and Tita and Avram Gabriela. Every Thursday evening we have prayer in the Duduianu Viorel family.

A delicate problem is the relationship of our children with God, they come to the church but are attracted to the things in the world. The only solution is prayer and fasting for them. In August we continued to go every Sunday in the villages of Dante and Branişte, proclaiming the Gospel according to the Word of God.


  • for the villages where we want to go with the Gospel in September (Toceni, Dobreşti, Murta, Giorocel, Locusteni, Branişte, Daneţi, Mârşani and Tâmbureşti;

  • prayer for the children of the church;

  • prayer for Enache Aurel and Adi Dobrica who began to attend the church.


With love in Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc