Home Visits

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,

May the Lord bless you with all heavenly blessings in the new year, and help us keep watch until the coming of our Lord Jesus! Thanks for all the support you give me and for all the prayers on our behalf. May the Lord reward you for all you do for us!

In January, we visited some of the brothers and sisters from the church. We had fellowship with Brother Ion Gavrila from Toceni. When we met with Brother Gheorghe from Barabeti he told us that his friends and neighbors started asking him why he became a Christian. He seemed to be determined to continue in his faith, and even offered his house to hold prayer meetings. We also visited the family of Sister Valita, Brother Mihai Staicu, Brother Ioan Iova, Brother Gabriel Voicu, and Brother Marian Avram. We prayed; they shared many of their problems. One of the difficult situations is with Sister Elena Prica who has been sick with liver cancer. She passed away at the eend of January. She had five children, all non-believers. They, along with many other people, participated and listed to the Word of God at her funeral.

Prayer Support for:

-           The Village of Caciulatesti where we live; on Feb 8th we have an evangelistic event

-           All the people who heard the Gospel

-           Brother Ion in Toceni who is sick, that God would praise His name through him

-           The Village of Barabeti, for people with faith and fear of God

Yours in Christ (Jude 1-3),

Gabi Cuc