November 2017

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,


Thanks for the spiritual and financial support you give me so that I can do this work in the name of the Lord Jesus in my area. May God bless you all for all you do for me and my family. This month we had both joy and sadness. God tells us to rejoice when we go through trials. After almost two years of preaching the Word in the Barabeti Village, the Holy Spirit convicted Gheorghe to give his life to the Lord. We are glad he reached the point where he admitted he is a sinner and that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ provides the forgiveness of sins, and that the faith in Him gives eternal life. On  Nov 27th made a covenant with the Lord and got baptized. Sister Florica from Mârsani also got baptized. At the baptism service, many people from Caciulatesti and the neighboring villages participated.

Trials we are going through now:

-           Sister Ghita had a stoke

-           Sister Nuti has liver problems

-           Brother Ion also had a stroke

We pray that the Lord would provide healing for them. Currently, two men and one woman come to church.

Prayer Support needed for:

o   Brother Gheorghe from Barabeti, and for this village

o   Sister Florica from Marsani and her village where we plan to do evangelize soon

o   The sick

o   The Holy Spirit to work in the heart of the non-believers

With love in Christ,

Gabi Cuc