September 2017

Romans 15:17-19 

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,

I thank God for this month because the Holy Spirit worked in a wonderful way. Thank you for all the help you give me, both materially and spiritually. May the Lord Jesus bless each of you!

In September, I visited Gabriela and Ghita Voicu a few times. They are old and sick. I prayed for them, hugged them and had fellowship with them. 

On Sept 11th I participated in the opening ceremony of the new school year. I went with my daughter Sara who is now in high school in the City of Craiova. An orthodox priest participated as well, and read the parable of the sower. May the Holy Spirit work in the life of the high-schoolers, their parents and teachers, to make them aware of their sin, and may God give them a spirit of repentance.

Every Wednesday we have prayer and fasting at church, for us, for the ministry we are involved in.

On Sept 20th I went to the Village of Dobresti, at the library. I talked with the librarian about Jesus Christ. He told me that he read the Bible several times. He is open to the Word. His name is Serban. We pray that the Lord would save his soul. The same day I visited the family of Amos and Elena Rila, and prayed for them. On Sept 22nd-24th I went to the City of Severin, with another two brothers from the church, for three days of fasting. There we met a man named Paul, and a woman named Iuliana with whom we talked about the faith in the Lord Jesus. On Sept 28th I went with another two brothers to Brabeti where we spread the Word to the people we met. The Holy Spirit gave us Mr. Gheorghe who invited us inside the house, shared with us what he has done in his life, and expressed his wish to be baptized.

Prayer Requests:

§  Pray that any work done would be guided by the Holy Spirit

§  For Serban the librarian

§  For Sara, Greta and Maria, that the Lord’s name be praised in their life

§  For the Brabeti Village

With love in Christ,

Gabi Cuc