Gabi Cuc - July Newsletter

Dear brothers,


I thank you for supporting me in order to serve the Lord in our area.

July was a wonderful month, in which we have seen the grace of God over us, giving us strength to work and to be faithful.
On the 4th of July we have met with brothers and sisters involved in the prayer team, evangelization team, and social team. We have seen the importance of team work through examples from the Bible, Old Testament, and the life of disciples.

On the 9th we have had brother Sofrac with us from Alba Iulia and we have continued the Nehemiah project of planting churches, stage 3: prayer and spiritual war. We hope that prayer would be a priority in our lives to make us holy and to spread the Gospel to others.


On the 26th together with 6 brothers we have visited Brabeti village, where we want to plant a new church. We went on streets and met with heartless people. One of them is the school director, who is a Mason.


Prayer needs:

-      Acceptance of the Gospel by the people in Brabeti;

-      For Sorin, who is against our actions;

-      The priest in Brabeti to come to repentance;

With love in Christ,


 Gabi Cuc