With God's help, we had a week of VBS (Vacation Bible School) at the church in Nou.
We had a team of volunteers who worked with the children.
Two girls from the church helped with this work.
Every day we had between 40 and 65 children who participated in the groups focused on specific activities.
They began with a time of worship together, then split into groups.
Some were in the lesson being taught, others in the group learning key verses, others doing crafts, and others playing sports.
Most of the children were from Orthodox families, and their parents do not attend any church.
This is a great opportunity to show the children what God has done and what He can do in their lives.
The church was also involved.
Several sisters made sure to prepare something good for all the children and volunteers and served them with much love.
We pray that the Lord will work in their minds and hearts and help them love the Lord with all their hearts.
At the end of the week, on Sunday, some of the children presented a program of songs and verses they learned at VBS.
We give glory to the Lord for this work and pray that it will bear fruit for His glory.
Be blessed, and we thank you for all you do for us.
Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Romania Missionary