WhatsApp Image 2019-06-23 at 14.54.42.jpeg

With the help of the Lord, we had a great opportunity to organize a baptism. Some time ago I talked to you about more visits to a brother who has both legs amputated. In the final visit, after we prayed together, he asked me: "When can you baptize me?" I answered, "Why do you want to baptize?" And the answer was: "To be ready for heaven”. It was a great joy to hear this, and I said we would do that soon.

The next week we organized his baptism. It was a wonderful opportunity to evangelize, because many of the children and relatives came to see the baptism.
Most of them have never been to a church. We preached the Word of God, we sang and prayed, and then baptized. It was a great joy for the brother, and also an example for many who are far from the Lord, although they have two legs and make no step towards Him.
I prayed for the Lord to work on their hearts.