The Importance of Prayer

With all our heart, we thank the Lord for the grace of a new year. We pray that He would guide and help us serve Him with all we have and all our being.

As we have done in previous years, we started the new year with a week of prayer, a time of blessing from God when our hearts were moved. We were glad to see the brothers and sisters who participated with joy at these prayer meetings. We were blessed with visits from other churches; we in turn visited some churches, praying and fellowshipping together. It is wonderful to unite with the brethren in prayer with thanks and intercession. I was glad to see how open people were in sharing their joys and problems brought before the Lord. We know that He listens and answers our prayer in His great mercy. These evenings were motivating. Some of the sisters told me they were very encouraged during the fellowship; they felt energized and bold to come before the Lord with their problems.

We seem to have more reason to pray for each other and to visit each other more often, especially for the sick. May the Lord help us to live this reality in our life!

We have also gone through a hard time as a family. My wife was in the hospital with heart problems. We praise God that she is much better now, and at home. This was a difficult time, but a good reminder that we depend on God in every moment, that we have to be prepared to meet Him and confess Him in any place and any time. After she left the hospital, my wife received a call from one of the hospital room mates who told her she was like a mother for her and the other sick women in the ward, by helping and praying for them. We pray that the Lord would work in their hearts.

Please pray for us that the Lord would continue to use us according to His plan and through His power. Thanks for all you do for us, and we pray that the Lord would bless you!

Cornel and Nuti Fogorosiu