Helping young people to attend school

With the beginning of the school, we resumed the project with students who finished eight classes.

By the grace of God, and this year, we continue to help some same school students to attend school in a high school or college.

We decided to help them pay for the bus fee, which for their parents would be a heavy burden and for some even impossible. The monthly subscription price per student is $53

The Lord is so good and we also had the opportunity to help 17 children this year.

Beside paying them the bus, every week we meet at the church, where we sing, pray and teach them about God and how we can be saved from our sins. It is a great opportunity for me to do this and I pray toGod to do the miracle of saving their souls.

We thank God for all those who help in this project.

May the Lord bless you.

Cornel Fogorosiu

(some pictures of the students are attached in the post)

At the beginning of the year I had a meeting with the church where we pray as a congregation for them and for their entire families, and I thanked God for all who supported this project.