August 2017


I want to thank God for the richness of His grace on us this month. We are so glad to announce that we had the first wedding in our family. We believe that, according to the Word of God, He makes all things beautiful in their own time. Andrei, one of our sons, was blessed with a wonderful wife, Ema. She is a gift from God for Andrei and for our family. “Any good and perfect gift comes from the  Father of Lights.” Praise His Name! We had a great time at the weeding and at the reception. We pray that God would keep them in His love all their life, and that they would be a good example for other families.


At church, we are glad that God adds to the number of the saved, and we pray that He would keep us all in His grace. After the baptism last month, the Lord brought a new atmosphere in our worship team. Sister Anita who was baptized, joined this team and is filled with joy and enthusiasm to serve in this way. All the others are sharing this joy. We pray that the Lord would bless them all and that their serving would praise the Lord and would determine others to glorify Him with all their heart.

Prayer Requests:

-           For Andrei and Ema, that the Lord would be with them in their marriage

-           For the worship team, to remain enthusiastic in this ministry

-           For the sick: Brother Nicolae (has both legs amputated) to remain faithful even in this difficult situation; for Brother Ghita (who hardly can see anymore) to be helped by his family


Thanks for all your support, and we pray that the Lord would bless your ministry.

Cornel and Nuti Fogorosiu