Cornel Fogorosiu - August Newsletter

I thank God for His goodness and mercy poured richly over us during this hot summer. God has truly blessed us both within our family as well as in the church.

 I would like to share some of the ways in which He worked. After a period of about five months in which we met with two younger women and two older ones to prepare for Baptism, the long awaited day arrived. During this time we had wonderful experiences with these sisters while we were growing together in the knowledge of God through His wonderful Word. We also had disappointments because after two months one of the girls (Elena Simion) left with a worldly young man and completely separated from the church and from the Lord. We pray that God would have mercy on both of them and that He would work in their life as only He can. After this happened, another young woman (Carmen) started to waiver and to fear that alone will be very hard to follow the Lord. She asked me if she can postpone her baptism until the next time. I saw her doubt and immediately we prayed together. In spite of this, she continued to doubt. For the following few months she attended only once in a while. We pray that the Lord would help her not to get lost in this world. The other women were ready and strong, and God helped them confess Him as Lord and Savior through baptism.  

We had a wonderful time on the day of baptism, and the church was filled to the max with people attending. Many of the relatives of those who got baptized came to see this act. One of the women from church was constantly praying that her only son who was living in Spain, would come to her baptism. God fulfilled her wish, and together with him came other relatives from the family. Once she knew that her son would come, she prepared a feast and invited all the brothers and sisters and visitors there. That was a time of great fellowship both at church and at the meal time at this sister’s house.

We were very glad to be together with the Witters family, with Bill and Amy, and Amy’s mother Janet who also got baptized with the other women. Through them, the Grace Spring Church was represented. Their presence and the message they brought were a blessing for all of us. Praise God for this special grace. The women who got baptized said that this was truly a special day for them, and it was indeed so for all of us. I got to talk with some of the people who attended that were not from the church and not Christian, and they said this was something they have never seen or heard before. We pray that the Lord would work in their hearts and that the Holy Spirit would transform their minds so that they would make the right decision for their life. Pray with us for these people. Also pray for our family as my wife Nuti and our daughter Ema are in America.

Thank you for all you do for us, and may the Lord bless you.