Ministry Update

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings from Romania

I would like to start by telling you that we, the team that serves in Romania, have made it safe to our location at PIEI Center Alba Iulia.  We have already concluded a week of VBS under the leadership of our missionary Daniel Petrut. Today we are expecting another group from  my church, Liberty Bible Church, including pastor Joe. Their purpose for this trip is to support leaders in the local ministry and encourage them.

 I am so thankful for all your prayers and love, and also grateful for the loves of our brothers in Romania showed us when meeting with us. I believe in the power of the fervent prayer cause I have to testify that from luggages that have made it in time to reaching every flight in time, everything went well and I have seen God’s hand over us, protecting and caring for us. So, thank you and God bless each and everyone of you. We are so excited to see how God will work this time, how God is going to use everyone’s gift for the people we will interact with.  One of the tools God has provided for us in Reaching Romania for Christ, is the Necrilesti Camp, a camp located 45 minutes away from PIEI Center Alba Iulia. 

This camp has a cabin that required intervention to the basic structure and support pillars that were affected by mold. So, we started a rehabilitation work on the entire resistance structure of the building by decommissioning the legs affected by mold and replacing them with legs from a cement  structure. Developing and deepening into the rehabilitation works, we have realized that in order to bring the building to a good operational status, and also taking into account the geographical area, the construction manager advised us that a technical room is necessary to this location. The techinical room must include water heating pumps, cooling storage place for food, which will also serve the future 2 more cabins that we are thinking to build to support the  work of the camp as well as counseling or retreat for pastors and service teams and even more. The costs of all this reaches high to a sum of 150,000.00 USD.

The needs are so many, the costs are so high, but I believe that a soul that finds the Lord it’s worth every costs we can pay, considering that Christ gave His  life for us, the higher price someone could ever pay. Back over 40 years ago, coming to America, i have never thought of having a high standard of life, but rather I’ve always thought on how can I serve God back in the country I have come from - Matthew 16:24 - Then said Jesus unto His disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever desire to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

On July 20th, i will lead a group of 5 people to Cernauti, Ukraine, where along with local leaders will be involved in a full time camp ministry. Our group will serve  leading bible study classes, having eye glass ministry and helping with other activities in the camp.

Please consider praying that God will provide us with great weather, protection as we serve in a country where war is going on, pray for the youth that attend the  camp that they may have an open heart to the word of the Gospel.


*Pray for the safety of the teams coming and going

*Pray that the Necrilesti Camp becomes functional

*Pray for the missionaries as they serve faithfully for so many years

*Pray for more workers to join us in the great harvest

*Pray for the war to end in Ukraine, many lives are in danger

Cornel Stef Chair for Romania and Ukraine