Latest update on Reaching Romania

Christian Center July, 2023

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of belivers”.Galateni 6:10

Christian Center

*Discipleship and training are 2 major bases in our vision. PIEI through it’s national director, Timotei Stanea, engaged in a 3 day program where PIEI missionaries Tani Nemes, Cornel Fogorosiu, Florina Darvell, Mihai Geabou, Traian Chilau, Aurel Rodean, Botar Florin, Sfetcu Florin and Gabi Cuc, their spouses and children have been invited to spend time in a bible cours which encourages us all on the Gospel filed to be filled with love, have a good communication and build up trust among the people missionaries intend to work with. God has blessed us as we went through the bible study, meals, fellowship, and we belive everyone has bee encouraged and is ready for a fresh start as they go back on their mission places. Please continue to pray that God will be moving hearts for His kingdom.

As you may know, summer is a very busy season for us at PIEI, so the activity is on going here at Alba Iulia Christian Center. We’ve started with a VBS for kids,  lead by our missionary Emanuel Joldos and his wife Damaris. Sharing the Scriptures and playing games was part of the ministry, as well as knowing the kids needs and praying with them for God’s protecting over this summer vacantion. Please continue to pray for them as they are giving their best all year round with after hour classes and vbs.

Healthy families makes a healthy church!

*Having a healthy church community it take spending time, getting to know your congregation and investing while serving the people God has been giving you to work with. Pastor Cornel Fogorosiu has had such a wonderful idea of taking 3 days off with his congregation and spend unforgettable time here at Alba Iulia Christian Center, where they all have been in the word of God and great fellowship, different than just church days. You know, such moments strengthens the families as they are all together under one roof and spend time at the same table for 3 days. Please continue to pray for pastor Fogorosiu, as you know that the pandemic season has brought so many changes into the church life and people find some many other activies, separate from the church.


*We had the privilege this spring to have a group of people from different churches in the USA, like Salt Church from Corry, Pennsylvania and Stonewater Fellowship Church from New Braunfels, Texas. It’s members Nate Myers, Skip Davis, Debbie Conry, Bob Pettrucio, Matt Dickson and our mission director, Walter Windsor, have done a wonderfull job down in Podari, Craiova while taking the roof off of our facility there, and replacing with a brand new one as well as eyes glass ministry. Just like this ministry, you can also be part too. Please continue to pray!  


God has been so good, God has answered your prayers and we’re coming with a great news from Necrilesti Retreat Mountain Top where finally after months of hard working, the papers are done and PIEI has the right now to move forward with the project that was planned for this area. We are hoping to rebuild the old cabine and also add a number of cabines that can fit up to 20 families. This is a great project we belive God will use for His glory, as the missionaries and their families will be trained, equipped and go back in their community to serve God in a different manner, maybe more encourage, more loving and passionate about their Savior Jesus Christ. We are looking forward to raise about 75,000.00 USD and the best part of it is that we have a donor that has promised to come with half of the price mentioned above and we would like to invite you to pray and come alongside with the rest of it. Human resources are also needed, so if God maybe put on your heart to come to Romania, consider to sign up for next team to travel for a short term mission trip. You can also contact our mission director at


We are having a hard time trying to get all the papers done on Victoria propriety, where the authorities are not helping with issuing certificates and approvels to start building on the propriety. Please continue to pray for our national director who is handling this situation.

PIEI Romania