Gospel in the store


God`s blessings to all of you on God`s field. I wish health, happiness, blessings to all missionaries.

We invited children to come to the camp in Boyan. In the first picture asr two friends from Vovchanets village. Young is Artem, he is 12 years old. His grandparents were believers, they died a couple of years ago. They prayed about their children and all relatives. And now Artem accepted the invitation to the camp. And he invited his friend Bogdan who is 14. His grandma prayed about him too. So after many years, God responded to their prayers. They were happy to be at this camp and they took part in many events. I pray about them they come to Christ.


In the second picture is the family Pantsyr Edik, and Natasha. I know them for a long time. Their grandma is a believer and she often invites them to the church, pray and read the Bible. I talk with Edik and Natasha through the messenger, I send them verses from the Bible and some preaches. They ask me different questions about repentance, baptism, idols, and asked how did I become Christian. They have a store with hats and shirts so every time when I come there I talk with them about God. I prayed with them and invited them to the church.

Prayer need:

1. Pray for those guys who were in the camp, may God directs them to the right path.

2. Pray for Edik and Natasha, may they have the fear of God.

3. Pray for the awakening of the Bukovina.

I am grateful to the mission PIEI, to Stef family for your spiritual and financial support. God bless all missionaries everywhere in the world.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

Attending a sister and her relatives


Peace and grace to you who pray, worry, and support our missionaries in Ukraine. Wellbeing and health to you, may faith, hope, and love accompany you and your family.

In the first picture, I visited our sister Lida who is 77 years old. She is laying without a move for 2 years. She repented in 2008 and took baptism, she attended the church regularly. She has a lot of diseases and her grandchildren look after her, they are unbelievers.


In the second picture, I am with her grandson Nikolay, he is about 40. His wife asked me to pray for her. Nikolay is often drunk and hits her and make a lot of problems in the family. He is hardworking but when he starts to drink for a couple of weeks he spends all his money.

I attend twice a month our sister Lida and I have the opportunity to talk with Nikolay and Alesia his wife. I tell them about God, sin, salvation, paradise, and God`s love.

Nikolay asked me: How can you not to drink, smoke and cuss out? Because you were like me when you were young. I replied to him: Faith in God keeps me away from these flesh enjoyment. I trust Him and hold His hand and He helped me to get rid of these sins. God loves you and your grandma prays of you that you seek God, love Him, and avoid quarrels, screams, cuss out in your family. Let only peace and consensus be in among you. Nikolay said that he tried to not drink, treated in the hospital but nothing did not help. I said only faith in God can help you.

In the third picture is Vitaliy, he is 33, he was working with wood, I was passing by and stopped to talk with him. When Vitaliy was young he attended the church and he repented on the big evangelization on the stadium in Chernivtsi. But then his friends from a school convinced him to not go to the church. I tell him what is waiting for those who don't obey God. He knows a lot from Bible. Recently he married Marina, who is 32. I told him that I make this picture and many people will pray about you and your wife. He agreed and was thankful for that.

Prayer needs:

  1. Please, pray for all these people whom I met and talked to. May God opens their heart and they come to Jesus.

  2. Pray for Artem and Bogdan who were in the camp may they have the desire to come to the church.

I am thankful to all brothers of the mission PIEI for your prayers and your financial support, and that you worry about our mission. I wish you health, happiness, faith, and love!

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

Father`s prayer is powerful


Peace and grace to all brothers and sisters who work in the field of God. We had two holidays this month July 7 is the birthday of John Baptist and July 12 is The Day of Saint Peter and Paul. People don't work on such days.

In the first picture I talk with Alex, he is the son of our brother Vasyl who died 10 years ago. Before his death, he told me that he prays for his family they all reconcile with God. I believe that after I die they will come to Christ. So I talk with Alex now and tell him to read the Bible and pray and prepare to meet his father. I told him about hell and heaven. Jesus said those who believe in Him, repented, and baptize will have eternal life. He promised to read the Bible and to come to the church.


Alex said that his grandson was given an invitation to the camp to Boyany. He liked it and now he is going to go there too. Alex said that he hopes that God answers the father`s prayer and we will come to Him.

In the second picture, I talk with Any and Valya. We talked about pandemic, aloneness, how people went far from God. Anya are you ready to meet Jesus? He is coming for His church. Those who repented, baptized, trust Him, testify Him with no hesitation, will come to heaven. And the others will go to hell, lake with the fire, scary place. You have to trust God, His Word, and come to the church. I will pray for you and your family that you recognize how good He is. God loves you. Choose whom do you want to serve?

We have Bible parse of the Psalm book in the church.

Prayer needs:

1. For Vasyl and his family, especially for their grandson who is going to go to the camp with his friend.

2. For this woman Anya me she comes to Christ

3. For the awakening of our villages of Vovchnets and Vanchakauts. May our church fill up with new people.

I am thankful to all brothers of the mission PIEI for your prayers and your financial support, and that you worry about our mission. I wish you health, happiness, faith, and love!

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

Hesitation stop people

Peace to all of you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. In June I met a lot of people. In this picture is Dima Stadnic who is the inhabitant of Vovchnets village. When I met him I stopped him and asked where does he go and how is he? He replied that his wife is ill and drunk. It is difficult to find a job for him. I told him you attended the church before but then stopped. The Bible said, "Seek Lord and His kingdom and everything will be given to you". He replied I am more than 30 but I hesitate to come to the church. And my wife hesitates too because our friends laugh at us. I said "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."(Ga.6:7)

Do not hesitate and come to the church, God loves you. I was like you before but I did not look at the people who laughed at me and cursed me. I will pray for your family Dima and you pray too and read the Bible.

In the second picture, we are in Vanchacauts village close to the store. It is Karim Maniatsa who is 68 years old. He asked me how long I am a believer? I said more than 40 years, from my youth. And then he asked Do not I regret that? I replied What did I lose and win? I have a real connection with God, I pray, I read the Bible, sing songs all these make me happy and delight. I have a great family and a lot of brothers and sisters around the world who help me when I need them. We attend to each other and encourage how to love people. We read the Bible and teach the Commandments to avoid sin. Karim God loves you as you are and you will report for yourself before God in the Judge day. You could repent and reconcile with God but did not want it. You will remind even this conversation that I told you about God. When we got outside we spoke a lot of God. I invited him to the church and I showed him a way to God. I would pray for you and your family. Reconcile with God when it is not late.

Prayer needs:

1. For Dima and his family so they do not hesitate to go to the church

2. For Karim and his family may God open them His path

We continue to parse the Psalm with our church.

I am thankful to all brothers of the mission PIEI for your prayers and your financial support, and that you worry about our mission. I wish you health, happiness, faith, and love!

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

A family is on the way to God


Peace to you all brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission and to Stef's family. All churches from Ukraine wish God's blessings.

After the service in the Vovchanets church, I had an opportunity to walk on the streets of the village. And I met one family Tihu Ivan 66 years old and Maria she is 64. By side of their house, we discussed the time we live in. They know about God, they attended the church before the pandemic. They asked about my health and were wonder how I am bold to speak with people on the street, I sing, pray, tell the poems and invite them to the church. I replied Praise the Lord for His mercy, He heals me and gives me strength to do that. It is written in the Bible: Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

40 years ago they testified to me about God with no hesitate so now I need to do the same. Pray that God opens to you His peace. Let's sing a psalm "Repent while you have consciousness". Maris was crying while I sang. I asked them to not play with God because they gave to the devil so many years of their lives. God loves you and calls you. So accept His invitation. Come to the church, not hesitate, I pray about your family.

In the second picture, I am at the funeral in Marshintsi village. Sister Darina died who was 92 years old. I with the brother Valery Popov preach on this service. There was a crowd of people, relatives of Darina were attentive to the Word God and psalms.

We pray about these people may God reveal their minds and souls.

I send a lot of verses from the Bible to all my contacts in Viber. Many friends are thankful for them. And others were wondered how I spiritually support their families to not enter hell. One family said that they read Bible every day and started to pray how they can.

We have the Bible parse of Psalm in our church.

Prayer needs:

1. Pray for Tihu`s family may God lead them on the path of truth.

2. Pray for those who were at that funeral may the Word of God touches their hearts.

I am thankful to all brothers of the mission PIEI for your prayers and your financial support, and that you worry about our mission. I wish you health, happiness, faith, and love!

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

People need Christ


We have an Easter holiday so we have a good opportunity to talk with people about Christ and His resurrection.

In the picture I am with Sergey, he is the director of the pub. Sometimes he meets my granddaughters on their birthday. I told him about God, who is God, why people do not fear Him and do not seek Him? He answered that he believes in God like his parents. I attend the Temple on Easter and Christmas and I pray as I can. I am not an atheist. I started to talk to him from the very beginning of the creation, Adam, Abraham, and then about Jesus, His suffering, and resurrection. He was very attentive and asked some questions. He was wondered and analyzed himself. I told him that once I was like him and did not know God and thought that my traditions led me to paradise. But then I met believers who showed me the truth. I sought God and I had found it. It is 40 years how I serve God. Read the Bible, pray and seek God. I gave him my number so he can call me any time when he has some questions. I invite him to the church and promised to pray for him and his family.

In the second picture, I am at the gas station with one father and son, Roman Igor and Alex. Igor works as a guard and Alex is a clerk. When I had refueled my car with gasoline I started to talk with them. I asked them how did they celebrate Easter, do they read the Bible, and do they pray to God? We visit every Christmas yous house with the carols but still don't want to accept Him. Igor asked me how am I feeling? I replied that I live by the grace of God as every one of us. I testified to them about my spiritual life and read many verses from the Bible. I told them how God helps me to overcome the problems in my life. I encouraged them to read the Bible and pray that God reveals Himself to them and all their family recognize God. When you have done this you will never regret that. Call me when you need some spiritual help, we can meet any time and pray together.

Please pray for Sergey, Igor, and Alex, and for all their families.

Pray for me and my health.

Pray for the awakening of our villages.

I am thankful to all brothers of the mission PIEI for your prayers and your financial support, and that you worry about our mission. I wish you health, happiness, faith, and love!

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

The risen Christ for the fallen people


Peace to you brothers and sisters of the mission PIEI and Stef family from a missionary from Ukraine. God bless you!

In April by God`s grace I had many meetings with people despite the restrictions and prohibitions caused by the pandemic.

When I was driving three men had stopped me and asked me to pick up them to the town of Novoselitsa. When they had got in the car, they listened to the Christian song about the resurrection on the tape recorder. So they learned out that I am a Christian. During the trip that was thankful that I took them. Because many cars drove by and had not taken them. One of them, Grigoriy, said: It is a wonderful song of the resurrection. The second one is Vasiliy, a lawyer, who said: when I hear such a song I feel the goosebumps. And the third one Ivan said: It is not easy to be a Christian. Then I asked them: Do you want me to tell you about risen Christ during the way to the Novoselitsa? And they replied: Yes, of course. I prayed to God in my mind and asked Him the Holy Spirit speak through me to these people. Throughout our trip, for about 20 minutes I told them where Jesus came from and what the goal with? Why did He heal, suffer, die on the cross, and resurrected from the dead on the third day, what does He want from us? They prolong to listen to me even for 10 minutes after we came to the city. I asked them to read the Bible and pray to God and open their hearts to Him. I told them that I will pray for them may they learn out the risen Christ.


In the second picture is Vera Dubinskaya she is the seller of the store. I had bought some goods I asked her why do we greet each other Christ is risen - truly resurrected? She replied I greet like everyone. There were no buyers so we could talk about that. Then I explained to her about the falling of the man and how far they went from God. Through a woman came sin and through a woman came salvation. She was really wondered, she said I am forty years and did not know that/ it is very interesting to me, please continue Vasiliy. I addressed to her to read the Bible with her husband, please. Come to the church and may God resurrect in your hearts too.

Please, pray for these passengers and for the family of this woman may God open their hearts.

In the church, we study many verses from the Bible of the resurrection for ourselves and to share with others.

Pray for the people to whom I have told about Christ.

Please pray for my health, I had many surgeries and my colon is very weak. I take expensive medicines to stop the infection of my stomach.

I am thankful to all brothers of the mission PIEI for your prayers and your financial support, and that you worry about our mission. I wish you health, happiness, faith, and love!

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

The door to the heaven


Peace to you brothers and sisters of the mission PIEI and Stef family from a missionary from Ukraine. God bless you!

We pray that God opens people`s hearts to listen to the Word of God.

I was invited to the school to put there a new door together with the parent's community.

In this picture is a classroom teacher Mosei Roman. He is a geography teacher. One another man Zenoviy Preutesa he is a carpenter. And Eddy Korbu is a member of the parent's community. It took about two hours to put on a new door. Zenoviy asked why Ukraine is so rich but people suffer and go abroad for a job? I prayed that God gives the answer and build the conversation with all of them. I told them: guys, everything is under God`s control. If people read the Bible, pray to the Lord, seek Him, and reconcile with Him, He would change all circumstances in the world. Think for a while, if all people on the earth were true believers the prisons would be empty, no courts, no police and borders would be open, no nursing houses, no orphanages, no ills, no hospitals, no divorces, no burglaries, no thieves, but only peace and calm in Jesus Christ. Every one of us would be brothers and sisters and Christ is our elder brother. So God calls us to reconcile with Him. Neither icons, nor children baptism, nor cross sign doesn't help if we don't call Christ in our life. I pray for you all may God give you His peace to your hearts as He had made for me before. Read the Bible, pray, and come to the church, because the coming of Christ is soon.


In the second picture, I drove one man Gregory Petrenko. I turned on the radio tape recorder with the Esperansa group that sang about the second advent of Christ. He realized that this song is about God and asked me are you a believer? I responded Yes, I am. These songs are soulful, calm my soul and reach out to heaven. Gregory, do you have the Bible? Do you read it? Ask me if have don`t understand something in it. If you scary or shame to go to the church alone I will go together with you. Such a short dialog with him can change his life completely.

For a year of this pandemic, I talk with a hundred people per day through online messengers. I send them verses from Bible and psalms. They reply me thank you for your spiritual support and you direct us to God.

Prayer needs:

- Pray for the teacher of geography Mosei Roman, Zinoviy, Eddy, Yuriy

- Pray for all my friends that are open to listening to God through the messengers.

I thanks the mission PIE for spiritual and material support. We pray about you, your families, and your work in God`s field.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

The Gospel on the streets


Peace and grace to all brothers of the mission PIEI, to Stef's family, and to all who support us in our ministry.

Even in that pandemic, with God`s help, I found people who want to know God. In this picture is Ivan Fedorenko. We are close to his house. We met there and started to talk. He is 68 years old. We are familiar for a long time and he said to me: It is so scary what is going on in the world. I explained to him that God loves people but they don`t love him. Everything is going in the world is in His control. People don`t pray, don`t want to know Him, and they are sunk in their sin. I talked with him for about an hour. I told him about grace and the court of God. Ye asked me why there are so many confessions, why do we not bow before icons, and why do we not wear a cross sign on our neck? I answered him with many verses from Bible. In the end, I prayed for him and his family. I invited him to the church and encouraged him to pray and to read the Bible.


In the second picture, I am in the family Zara in the Vanchekauts village. Her name is Maria and she is 72 and her son Nick is 40. But he rejected to make the picture with us. Nick told me that he has big trouble because his wife wants to divorce. What have I to do? I had read the Bible "Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." (Mk.10:9) When we pray to Him and trust Him with our soul He resolves all our problems. Maria had attended the church before and she has three sons. "Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near." Maria told me that she often prays and does not know to which church she needs to go. I replied to her "Just say to Jesus come to my heart and then you will realize and choose God`s path". We had a long spiritual conversation and then we prayed to God.


In the third picture, I am at the gas station and I talked with the assistant Yuriy Muntian when he had time. I asked him does he have the Bible and read it? Does he know that God loves him and wants to reconcile with you? I told him that I was young like him as well and I lived just for myself and then I realized that God loves me. Then he asked me why people so hate each other. I told him that without God we can not resolve any issues. Trust to God and pray to Him. Then I invited him to the church.

We have the parse of the Bible and the Psalms.

Please pray for Ivan Fedorenko, for Zara`s family, for Hick and Yuriy may God lead them to the true way.

Pray for my diseases may God bless my body.

Thank you for everything to Stef and Golston families for your support of my ministry.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.

He overcame war and starvation


Peace to you brothers and sisters who are participates in a prayer for our misionaries, who support us with fanance and medicine. We send you a big Christian greeting from out churches in Vovchanets and Vanchakauts villages.

In this picture is Monzatu family, Alexanru who is 95 years old and his daughter Larisa who is 58. I came to them for attendance. This is family that accept and open to the Word of God. There are not so many famlies who is so interested issues of salvation and God.

Alex overcome a war, when he was in the trenches and he prayed God and pleaded Him to save his life because a lot of soldates died close to him. He told about starving in 1947-48 years in the Bukovina. I read them prophet Isaia "Seek Lord when you can find Him". The day comes when call of God will stop and the grace will take back. There is written in Amos: Word of God would take back from the earth and people would looking for it but it woul be late already. I ask them to reconcile with God, repentant and beilive in God. Seek the Kingdom of God and everything shall be added unto you. We talked about an hour, I asked them many questions, I told them about God`s love, His Kingdom, and about true path. They sing together with me some songs. I prayed with them and invited them to the church.

We have the research of the Bible with our church.

Please pray for this Monzatu family about their salvation.

Pray that God takes away fear of the virus in our brothers and sisters and they could come to the church.

I wish you a health to all of you brothers from USA. Let God give to all of us courages and power of Holly Spirit to spread the Gospel. Thank you for everything to Stef and Golston families fpr your support of my ministry.

With love to you my precious brothers in Christ, missionary Vasiliy Preutesa.