Gospel from home to home

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I`d like to tell briefly about the ministry in Ukraine with mission PIE who support us, help with funds and pray about us for the awakening of our cities and villages.

Peace to all of you and God bless!

Recently I visited different places and met a lot of people. It is so pleasuring to talk with them about God.

I had an opportunity to have a conversation close to the store in Vankachauts village with people I had not seen for a very long time. When they had seen me they were wondering how do I feel myself after many surgeries. I talked with Olga Ivanovna, she is 63, who is the mother of Natasha, I helped her for many years when she was paralyzed for more than 8 years. I had brought her pampers and some medicines twice a month. Her daughter died after father`s death about five years ago. She left alone with her children. I had many meetings with them in their home, I prayed there and invited them to the church every time.

This time Olga invited me to her house again to talk about the God`s Word, she was interested where did icons come from, who is the Mary and why people bow her and not Jesus Christ, about baptism and etc. There was Kalin Grigorievich ex-secretary of the village council. He is about 60 years old. I gave them the New Testament and recommended to start read from the Evangel of John and invited to the church.

Pray for them, please, they found the truth way.

My health is like after the surgery I need some medicine to stop the disease.

I pray for you brothers in mission PIE for your love to us missionaries.

God bless you! Thank you for everything!

Pastor-missionary Vasile Preutesa

Carpenter need Jesus

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Grace and peace in Jesus Christ to mission PIEI and all brothers missioners in the whole world!

We are thankful to the brothers from the USA for their support and prayers, for our meetings in the children's camps in Boyan and other events.

As a pastor in Vanchcauts village, I have a lot of meetings and conversations with my fellow villagers. I visit their homes and spread the Gospel.

This time, I was talking to the famous carpenter of our village, he is over 70 years old and his name is Michael Bezushko. He would like to find out the right way to God. I visited him several times and now he came to my home. He was wondering how he can leave the doctrine of children's baptism and how to stop the worship of icons. Step by Step I explained to him with the Holly Bible all these topics. I pray for him every day, he is not far from Jesus Christ.

My health is better, I am recovering after the surgery. The medicines are very expensive. I know that I am alive only by His grace.

I live with the hope that many people in our village will come to know Jesus Christ.

Please, pray for this man, he realized his sin and become a believer in God.

With Love, brother Vasile Preutesa, pastor-missionary in villages Fagadau and Vanchikauts

The Gospel with tires

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Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace of the Lord!

God called us to be ready to give the report of our faith every time and to be a missioner everywhere.

Recently, I had visited a tire fitting to change the tires of my car and I met the owners of this service. It's the family business with father Victor Kiorescu and his son Anatoliy. While they were changing the tires we had a conversation with them. They are orthodox and they were interested in our faith and how do we believe. For about half of the hour, I talked to them about God`s love, sin, repentance, and forgiveness of God.

Please, pray of them. They are opened to know Jesus and they are close to God.

With Love, brother Vasile Preutesa, pastor-missionary in villages Fagadau and Vanchikauts

The Beginning of Wisdom

I usually drive my granddaughters to school, so I know lots of people at school such as teachers, students and others. I am glad to talk to them about the Lord. They usually start the conversation first about the elections that are to be in March. They tell me that they have lost their confidence in all of our Ukrainian leaders. As a missionary I have the opportunity to tell them why is this happening with our country and Who can change the situation. I told them that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Imagine that a person who fears God does not steal, he does not lie, he is not hypocritical, envious, cruel, brutish, wicked, mean, proud and so on. If only all our leaders, from the President to the prime minister and the deputies, were real Christians, our economical level would raise in a year.  People would have less accidents, people wouldn’t have so many diseases, cancer and diabetes, heart diseases and there would not be so much stress, so much hate and fraud among siblings, there would not be so many wars.

Impossible Things

All the teachers were listening very carefully when I was telling them all these things and answered me in different ways. Some of them told me that it is impossible to be honest and not lie. Others said that the rich don’t understand the poor. I told them that what is impossible to the world is possible to God. We have only to trust Him, repent and pray. We also have to read the Bible as only through it can we find the true way to the Lord. Please join in prayer with me for all the teachers and the people I reach. 

With the church from Fagadau we are studying the book of Psalms and pray for a spiritual awakening of the village. 

Thank you for your love and support. We love you and pray for you also. Love, Vasil Preutesa

Caroling Away


We started January by celebrating Christmas. Our youth joined the youth from Tarasauts and other youths from a nearby village called Buda Mare and went caroling at people’s houses in Vanchikauts and Fagadau. We were glad that all the houses we caroled hosted us well. A family that we were caroling liked the carols so much that started to sing with us. At the end they promised us to come to the Christmas service at church the next day to listen to more carols. 

Young Families

After Christmas I went to the village market and met a young woman there who visited our church with her husband at Christmas. I asked her whether she liked the Christmas program and she told me that her grandma was Christian and went to church. She told her a lot about Jesus when she was alive and now this young woman feels the need to repent. I have been talking with her for almost an hour and she asked me to pray for her and her husband to make the right decision. Please, join with us in prayer for this family. The wife’s name is Larisa, 46 and the husband’s name is Vasil aged 48. 


 I have visited another young family, Octavian and Lilia. They invited me for a cup of coffee and I gave them some tips about the family life, how should the spouses behave according to the Bible, which should be the relationship between parents and children, as well I told them Who is the family’s Designer. We pray for this family too. 

Thus, I had lots of opportunities to praise the Lord in January: through carols, poetry and sermons. We pray for each person on our prayer list. 

We thank you, pray for you and for the Stef family. We also pray for Pavel and Larisa Petihachny to be blessed. 

Love, brother Vasile Preutesa, pastor missionary in villages Fagadau and Vanchikauts

Celebrating A Long Life

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace of the Lord!

At the beginning of the month I had the opportunity to be at the birthday of an old man from the village who was 104. A lot of people from the village, kith and kin came to greet him, even the mayor of the village was present there. Then the Lord gave me the opportunity to share to them the Word of God. At the end I invited them to come to the church so they could understand the Word of God more clearly. We do a Bible study every week at church. We pray for all the people I share the Word, that the Lord will work repentance in their hearts.

I also had the opportunity to share the Gospel at the village school and kindergarten, where my granddaughters Julia and Valerica recited poems and praised the Lord by singing. 

The youth of our church are getting ready for our Christmas celebration, which will be on January 7th. We will go caroling through the village and then we will invite all the people to come the next day to the evangelization at church.  We pray for this ministry. 

Thank you for supporting us in the ministry. May the Lord reward you with His rich blessings for all the sacrifice you do for us! 

With Love, brother Vasile Preutesa, pastor-missionary in villages Fagadau and Vanchikauts