They started to attend a church

Greetings to all brothers and sisters of the mission PIEI and to Stef family. Peace and grace to all missionaries who serve God on His field.

We live in difficult time, we have a war for more than 1,5 of year. A lot of people die without of knowing God. As a missioner, I need to tell about Jesus to all who surround me.

In the first picture, I am with Arkadiy, we told about a war and what does the Bible says about wars and about people in the last days. He ask me why Russia attacked us, we did not make anything bad to them? I replied to all his questions and invited him to the church.

In the second picture, I met Christina. I know her parents and I told with them about Christ many times. They came from Italy and invited me to their house. They treat me with a cup of coffee. Likewise, they told me about their life in Italy a lot, and also said they attend a church there and read the Bible. Furthermore, they noted a lot of questions from the Bible and asked me. We had a long and interesting conversation.

Let's pray about all of them.

Thanks to the mission PIE that helps us spiritually and materially. God bless all of you!

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa