January 2018

In January we had lots of holidays. I and my granddaughters went caroling at 50 houses including the school principal, the village mayor and other office workers of the village and teachers. They all liked my granddaughters’ songs and poems about Jesus’ birth. Then with other brothers from the church we visited the sick people of the church and caroled to them. We also caroled for other sick people that are not Christian but had the desire to listen about Jesus’ birth through songs and poetry. Besides we visited the sick people in the hospital and sang carols there. The youth of the church went caroling at 18 houses in the village and invited people to church. We pray for all people who heard the God News during the winter holidays.

I visited twice the church in the neighboring village of Marshintsa where I preached. I also visited several times the church in Tarasauts. I spread Christian calendars in a hospital and invited people from the community to church.

I feel normal for now. In March I need to start again the therapy with expensive drugs from Germany. They cost around 250 Euros, this is around $300. I thank the Lord and pray for brother Pavel and Larisa Petihachny who encourage me in the ministry and in my sickness. May the Lord bless you for the support you give me! Thank you for praying for the Ukrainian missionaries and for the ministry we do here. We love you, pray for you and look forward to seeing you. May the Lord reward your sacrifice!

Best wishes, Vasil  Preutesa -Fagadau and Vanchikauts