September 2016

Dear brothers and sisters, the church in Fagadau and Vanchikauts, and my family send you our love, peace and joy in Holy Spirit, as well we wish you to be healthy. 

In September God has opened me the door to preach the Gospel to the unbelievers. While driving my granddaughters Julia and Valeria to school, I had the opportunity to talk to the school principle, Mrs. Emma, whom I am greeting almost every morning. When I greet her I always wish her a good day, health, patience and wisdom from God. Once, my everyday greeting has touched her and she thanked me for the blessing I wished her from God. Then I suggested her to read the Bible at least an hour a day, and suggested her to start with the Gospel of John. Thus she will have the opportunity to know the Light of God. I always pray for her to know the Lord, because God loves her too. Besides, I usually tell a short story from Jesus’ life to the school cleaners. They ask me different questions, such as why have I left the orthodox traditions and its faith, and others; to whom I always open my Bible and answer them with a passage in the Scripture. I pray for them to receive Jesus as their Savior.

I did singing practice with the youth and we prepared for the Thanksgiving Day. Also in September we celebrated the Harvest day where we praised and thanked the Lord for His wonderful blessings. 

Besides I visited the sick people of our church, and have been at three funerals. There were many unbelievers at the funeral services who listened to the Gospel very carefully. We pray for them to know the real Truth and the Real Way to Heaven. 

We thank God for sister Marilyn, and we keep praying for her to get quick recovery. Thank you for everything you do for us. Thank you for your prayers and for the financial support. Please continue to pray for me. I thank God for brother Pavel and sister Larisa Petihachny who are a faithful family and always support us in prayers and give us useful advice from the Scripure. We also thank God for brother Cornel and sister Gabi Stef as well for Bob and Peggy Goldstone. We Love you, pray for you and always are waiting for you to visit us. 

Love, brother Vasil Preutesa