I greet you with peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ!
When Spring has come appeared a lot of possibilities for evangelisation for unbelievers on the outside. Cause of the quarantine we could not get close contact with them. Praise the Lord such meetings give good results and we have repentance in our church. People came to the House of the Prayer and devoted their lives to Jesus Christ. For such people, we started some lessons to prepare them for the baptism. I pray that more people come and join that group.
Through the RadioM we constantly have contact with unbelievers. On each program 6-7 people call us and ask to pray for their needs.
I continue to work with the book of the history of baptist brotherhood on the Bukovina. With God`s help, this work is coming to the end. Thank you very much for the financial support for printing this book.
I am glad that we can hold different youth and children's measures. It is a quite necessary job in nowadays conditions. Young people need God and we have to show them the path to Him.
Recently, our church conducted several social measures in the mental hospital and in the geriatric boarding house for old and sick people. Mostly this help is with hygienic means and foods.
We have a lot of plans and aims but everything is in God`s hand.
Thanks for your prayers and financial support.
With respect, prayer, and love to you,
Missionary in the Chernivtsi City, Grigoriy Pastushak.