Baptism at the lake


I greet all workers in mission PIEI with love and peace of Jesus Christ.

I have a good opportunity to share with you with all the blessings which I experienced in my ministry on God`s field.

I am grateful that on the beginning of July we conducted the baptism of new souls, which dedicated their lives to the Lord.

The baptism was at the lake, whereas usual are many people who swim and have a rest. Nice location, good weather and a wonderful program of the choir – all these things had created a special mood for all visitors of the meeting. After the service, everyone who wanted could take some sweeties, fruits and different drinks. Children were really happy with all these. Praise the Lord that He adds the saved people to the church.


Now in our church, we have a children daily camp. Each day they come about 200 children and more. Most of them are from unbeliever families. Their parents come with them together. They asked about the church and what does it teach. That why this camp is evangelization for the elders too.

From 19 to 25 of July we conducted the crusade “From heart to heart”. The group of Americans came to Chernivtsi with the goal to share the Gospel with our inhabitants of our city.

They visit 5-6 homes every day where they talk with people and tell them about Jesus Christ. In result, a lot of people pray with repentance prayer.

I am going to go to the youth festival in Yuzhne town (Odessa district) on the next week.

I ask you to pray about:

1. All who were baptized, may God bless them to be faithful and fruitful.

2. Unbeliever children and their parents on the camp that they came to the Lord as their Savior

3. All people that were visited at homes may God revival them

4. Youth Fest may this meeting change the heart of youth and they become more dedicated for God.

Thank all of you, for your prayers, moral and material support. I pray about you and success in our ministry.


Pastor-missionary in Chernivtsi City, Grigoriy Pastushak