Changed lives of orphans

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God has a special love for orphans so we do! He commanded to care and concern of them.

So, this week we had a great opportunity to meet orphans, bless them and worship God together. The choir of orphans who are adopted in Christians families had come to our church and praised the Lord. That was a unique congregation with so many emotions, tears and wondering. People were amazed how they can be satisfied with their lives, have joy in their hearts and worship God even when they lost their parents or they are orphans with alive parents. God blessed them with new families which are Christians and where they found love, acceptance, and God. Everything they need they have now with God.

It was so touchingly hearing the stories of these children when they were beaten, hated and not needed at homes and how their lives were changed with God and new families. God is so kind and delightful!

I went with them to the Nesvoia village and we served in the church there.

Please, pray for orphans because there are so much of them in Ukraine.

Thanks to everyone who helps me in doing such important ministries. God bless you abundantly!

Pastor-missionary Grigoriy Pastushak