December 2017

I praise the Lord that this year Ukraine could celebrate Christmas on December 25 as well, besides the orthodox Christmas, celebrated on January7. So on December 25 we used the opportunity to hare the Good News to the people in the city. With the church we organized a meeting at Coffee House where we enjoyed a great fellowship and a beautiful Christmas program. 

We went to Hertsa, a small town near Chernovtsy, and organized a children’s meeting there with a great Christmas program for them. I am glad that 17 children came and heard the Gospel and received gifts at the end of the meeting. We regularly keep in touch with those children organizing different day camps. So last summer they had a blessed camp. We pray a lot for this small town and for the Lord’s ministry there. 

On the first Sunday of December we had a wonderful holiday at our church. 18 people made covenant with the Lord through baptism. A lot of unsaved relatives went to that great event. We pray for each unsaved person to repent and accept the Lord in their hearts. 

I spent a week in a city not far from Kiev called Irpen, attending a seminar on Homiletics. I had a blessed time there. 

I continue to talk on the radio on the talk show called “Spiritual Advice”. May the Lord bless His Word through the radio!

We had a joy in our family. Our son Alexander and his wife Nadia dedicated their first son, Mark, to the Lord. He is our first grandson. We thank the Lord for him and pray God to bless him further. 

Before the New Year the youth had a youth meeting at Coffee House, where around 400 young people praised God through songs and heard the Gospel. We praise the Lord for that event. 

Thank you for the Christmas money gift. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! Be blessed! Please, don’t stop praying for us and the ministry in Ukraine. 

Best regards, Pastushak Gregory