December 2016

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace of the Lord and wish you a blessed Christmas and New Year. I wish to continue our partnership with you working in the Lord’s vineyard because we see that the Lord’s coming is near and a lot of people need salvation from hell and sin. 

On the first Sunday in December, we had a new testimonial baptism at church; where 9 people from our church and 14 from churches of Chernovtsy region made a covenant with the Lord through baptism. It was a great holiday for our church with lots of guests from all around, including the relatives of those who were baptized. The building was full. We pray for those who heard the Gospel and haven’t accepted the Lord as their Savior. 

I took an active part at the recording of two radio programs that are launched live twice a week by the local radio. The names of the programs are: “The way to the Temple” and “Bible Time for Family”. We pray the Lord to open us doors so that the programs would be translated on the radio every day, not only twice a week, so that people would be able to hear the Gospel more. 

Before the New Year’s Eve we had another youth meeting at the Coffee House, where 500 young people praised the Lord and enjoyed the fellowship in Christ. I am glad that more and more young people understand that their lives are nothing without Jesus Christ. At the end of the meeting a young girl accepted the Lord as her Savior.

At church we had some guests, a group of youth from Donetsk (war area). They told us about the ministry in their churches and about their life there. It is hard to live there. Our church decided to continue to support the churches from that region. We gathered different goods for them such as food, shoes, clothing, washing powder, drugs and money. We pray for our brothers and sisters form the war area to be protected and encouraged by the Lord. Please continue to pray for Ukraine that the Lord would stop this war without any sense.
Thank you for supporting us and working with us in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you! My family is sending greetings to you all, and especially to Carl and Marilyn Rosema and to Cornel and Gabi Stef. 

Best regards, Pastushak Grigory