New families during a war

I greet you dear friends in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I thank God that I can accomplish the ministry together with you.

From the beginning of the summer, we have much more work. Especially it related to the camps of different age categories. Last month we conducted a camp for widows and lonely women. Also, we had a meeting with the wives and children of soldiers who died or still are on the front line. In a row camps for children and youth.

Three months ago I visited Paris. I attended two churches which mostly consist of refugees from Ukraine. They need spiritual and moral support. One church was founded during the war. So today we have an issue with the ordination of ministers there.

I thank God that during a war new families are created. Last Saturday I conducted a matrimony of a young couple.

We have much more meetings with the members of the church to solve their problems. It takes a lot of spiritual and moral strength.

We continue to support our brothers and sisters who live close to the front line.

Now we are preparing for the baptism. It has to be in July.

We pray fervently for the end of the war. People are tired and they ask God for peace.

I thank God for all of you and I ask you to not forget to pray about us.

With prayer for you, Grigoriy Pastushak.

Ministry for widows of soldiers

I greet you with a peace and love of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I thank God for all of you, and I pray that God bless you abundantly. Also, I pray for blessings for Gabriella. I hope to have a meeting with you this summer in Ukraine.

I conduct the preparation to baptism for brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of willing to get into the covenant with God. But He is kind, and He will add to the church those who are saved. We have active preparation to the summer camps with children and youth.

We have different events with widows of soldiers. It is pity, but the war still going on. We continue to pray with hope for a victory and peace. Please, don't forget about Ukraine in your prayers.

God help me to teach in the theological institute, and also I participate in the radio programs.

I was participant of the third Bukovinian prayer breakfast with a governor of our region. Leaders of all confessions cried out to God for our country.

I had a meeting with guests from Israel. They experience hard time now.

We continue to conduct family meetings. We want that our families, especially young, strengthen their love to each other.

I am sincerely grateful to all community of the PIEI mission for various support of our ministry. May God bless all of you abundantly.

With prayer, Grigoriy Pastushak.

Ministry for the wounded soldiers

Peace and grace to you, dear friends!

I sincerely thank God that I can serve Him and His church together with you!

I appreciate everyone who support my ministry prayerful and financially. May God abundantly bless all of you!

Since the beginning of the year we conducted several evangelistic services for youth, kids, and elders. The Word of God is being preached both as in the House of prayer and at various spots of our city. In particular, we have meetings with the children in one of the local library.

We have plans for the future to extend our evangelical ministry.

For now, we give attention to the wounded solders who are in the military hospital. A group of our brothers and sisters systematically attend them and help them with their needs.

During a week last month I taught the theology at our institute. Despite the war, a lot of brothers show activity to the studying.

I spend a lot of time on counselings and on solving different issues of the church. It really exhausts me, but God give a strength.

I had a couple of the trips to the churches of our region. For nowadays, our churches have descending because a lot of families moved abroad, especially young families.

I realize that all Christian world pray about Ukraine for the end of world. Please continue to do that further.

God bless you!

With a prayer and respect to you, missionary in Chernivtsi city Grigoriy Pastushak.

One more blessed month

Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters of the mission PIE.

May God bless all of you abundantly!

Last month, November was saturated for with preparing people to the baptism. During long period we met and learn doctrines of the Bible. And on the first Sunday of December the baptism by faith was held. 17 people gave God the promise of good conscience. Praise the Lord! We are very joyful!

For this term I also had a ministry with students of our theological institute. Even now, I continue to teach the students. Young brothers have an enthusiasm to this case. That really cause development of our churches.

From time to time I am involved in the radio ministry. Our voices might be listened in the occupied territory. They write us their impressions of that heard, and thank that can hear the Word of God.

We had an ordination of three deacons and one evangelist.

Our Church continue to share the Gospel with various ways:

- We have regular meetings with unchristian children in one of the civil library.

- We help and visit injured soldiers who are in the military hospital.

- We feed sick people in the psychiatric hospital.

- We go to the east of Ukraine with humanitarian aid.

Now we are preparing to the Christmas holiday. We want to reach out many people with the Gospel. We prepare gifts for children and needy.

Also, we constantly pray for a peace in Ukraine. Please for us!

I sincerely thank you for your comprehensive help in my ministry!

With respect and prayer for you, Grigoriy Pastushak.

Trip to the Donetsk region

I greet you, brothers and sisters of the PIE mission. Grigoriy Pastushak addresses to you. Thank God that I can serve Him together with you for salvation of many people.

We are living in not easy time. So, we need to use this time for sharing the Gospel.

For this reason, our church conducts different events to reach as much people as we can.

We continue to impart comprehensive aid for people who suffered due to the war.

We attend the military hospital where are many injured soldiers. Often they don't have here neither relatives nor familiars. They really need a help, firstly, spiritual and psychological help.

For a long time we cook a food and bring it to the psychological hospital. There are many military guys as well. They can not recover from physical and psychological trauma that they got on the front line.

Recently, I came back from the trip to Donetsk region. We visited three settlements: Ukrainsk, Girnik, and Surokine. We handed out humanitarian aid to the needy people, shared the Gospel, talked and encouraged people. They need God!

On these days I teach in our theological institute. There are many young brothers who want to study the Bible, so that really brings me joy to my heart.

We are preparing to perform the baptism, so we have a lot of preparation. If God’s will, we will have the baptism in December.

Please, continue to pray about awakening in our city and our nation. People are more concentrated on the war than on God.

I thank God for all of you! God bless!

With prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi Grigoriy Pastushak.

Baptism in Chernivtsi

I greet you with peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to share with you briefly about my ministry.

One event strongly impressed me, it is the trip to the Kherson. We visited villages that suffered after explosion of Kahovsk hydroelectric power station. People were really appreciated to us that we brought them humanitarian aid. Of course, we told them about Jesus Christ and prayed with them. The most of them cried because they lost their houses, and they left without resources for life. But God doesn't leave them in that misfortune.

Our church with its own resources performed action with help to the relatives of perished warriors. On these meetings, there were about 50 unchristian people. We had a possibility to share with them the Word of god and console them in their grief.

In the end of July, we conducted the baptism in our church. 10 souls joint to our church. So we thank God.

Summer is the term of different camps. We conducted VBS camp at the territory of our church. Each day almost 150 children had possibility to have fun, rest and the Bible lessons.

We had also camps for teenagers, youth, families, widows, blind people and they bring a good results. Because here are a lot of unchristian people who see everyday life of Christians. Afterward, they become to attend the church.

Besides of that we had various trips, seminars, evangelization in the city and at homes.

I pray that all such work achieve success and repentance of people.

Earnestly thank all those who help me in this ministry.

With respect and prayer for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi Grigoriy Pastushak

Happy Easter Day!

My beloved in the Lord, missionaries of the PIE mission!

We sincerely greet you with the glorious day

of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

When women came to the tomb of Jesus, they heard an angel’s voice:

He is not here! He is risen! Luk.24:6

Resurrected Jesus assures us He will return for His Church soon! Facts of nowadays show us that His word is true! He is coming! We wait for Him!

Let good God by His mercy and grace bless abundantly all of us for that we save our faithfulness and devotion in ministry! Let all we be worthy of the high calling of Jesus Christ!

Continue to pray for our mutual victory in a difficult spiritual war!

Wish you peace and harmony!

With a prayer for you, Pastushak Grigoriy and Larisa

Trip to the front line

Greetings to you brothers and sisters with a peace and love of the Lord our Jesus Christ!

I`d like to write to you a few words about completed work in the church and outside of it.

Last month was saturated with different events and trips.

In first, the trip to the zone of fight acts with a goal to distribute the help of foods and clothes to needy. I could visit such cities as Konstiantinovka, Druzhkivka, Toretsk, and New-York of Donetsk region. Unfortunately, the war is not going to stop. A lot of civilian people live in terrible conditions and need a help.

In second, I had a meeting with a group of brothers and pastors where I taught the Word of God, especially issues of liturgy and sacred actions at our churches.

Last week there were lessons at Theological institute. Young brothers have a great desire to learn the Bible. We had subjects that reffed to faith teaching of our brotherhood.

I want to thank God for that during a year we were able to share the Gospel among citizens of our city. Almost every day our church go out to the squares of the city and offer to people spiritual aid, hot drinks, and literature.

We continue to perform various ministries among children, youth and elders.

Recently we conducted the Day of widows. We encouraged them and helped them with the packages of products. Our prayer is constantly for them.

We have a lot of plans about performing evangelization among people of our city.

Thanks to all of you for prayers and spiritual support!

With respect and prayer for you, the missionary in Chernivtsi City Grygoriy Pastushak.

Humanitarian aid in the heart of the war

I greet all stuff of the PIE mission with peace and love of Lord our Jesus Christ!

I wish you that God`s mercy and grace reside on all of you!

Ending of the last year and beginning of the new one were full of many events and services. We tried to use these days in the most effective way for evangelization at our city. We chanted carols at different points of a city, handed around Christian literature, and talked with people. Our youth toiled a lot in this ministry. In the result, people come to the House of the prayer, attend services, and receive the humanitarian aid. And the mostly important that they come to Christ to penance.

Recently, I had two trips with the humanitarian aid for the East of Ukraine.

In the ending of last year I went to the Kherson region. People live in a predicament without clothe, food, electricity, and heating. In the village we visited there almost all houses were without roof. Everything was destroyed and damaged. We conducted a short service for inhabitants of a village and handed out them aid.

And on these days I was in the Bakhmut vicinity. We left our aid in the House of prayer because there was continuous and unstoppable fight and bombing. Noise of shots from canons and tanks were resounded. On the next day local church handed out products to the all needy and destitute. Thank God for His protection.

In a plan for future, we want to enhance evangelization among youth and children. Also we want to give spiritual and moral support for the people who are connected with military acts.

Please pray for us our our ministry.

With prayer and respect to all of you, pastor Grigoriy Pastushak.

Baptism at our church

Peace to you brothers and sisters workers of the mission PIE!

Sincerely greet you with love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! May God bless you abundantly!

I always pray may God bless the ministry of our mission. Today as never before people in our country need spiritual and humanitarian assistance.

Recently, we are focused on evangelization among settlers. In our city are remain dozens of thousands of refugees. Every day except Sunday we go out on the streets and squares, settle a tent and offer to people different aid like literature, food, and clothes. Many of them have the desire to come to our church where we hand out the product packages. Some of them repented and serve God.

Last Sunday we conducted the baptism. 11 people joint to the Church of Christ, praise the Lord.

I continue to teach at a theological institute. Thank God that young people have the desire to study.

We have also problems. Due to the war, hundreds of people moved abroad from our church. But we continue to serve and help the people. More than 40 settlers inhabit our hostel at this moment. They lost their houses so they plan to stay here in our church this winter.

With coming up the Christmas we have a lot of plans for how to help people who ran out in a difficult situation.

I ask you to pray for the end of this war in our country.

I am grateful to God and you for everything.

With prayers for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigoriy