Meeting with teenagers

Greetings to all PIE Mission employees.

I thank God constantly for cooperating with us with a common goal: to bring the Gospel to many in Ukraine.

We in Novoselitsa continue to serve people and the Church in these turbulent days that Ukraine is experiencing, in the wake of the war.

1. We organized a meeting with teenagers in our Church. About 50 of them could hear the word of God about the resurrection and victory over death. Among them were children of immigrants.

2. Every Sunday we serve the refugees who visit us in Church. We serve them with the Word and materially. We give them clothes and food. Thank you for helping us in this ministry and God will be glorified.

3. The young people and I went to the market where many people gather. We sang, prayed, and talked to people there. We also distributed more than 300 pieces of the New Testament.

Pray for everyone who has heard the Gospel and received it.

4.We are preparing for a day camp for children and teenagers. We plan to hold this meeting with children from June 24-29.

Pray for the team that God will give wisdom, unity and love. Pray for the children that they will receive saving grace from Jesus Christ..

Thank you for your help and support in the ministry that you give us, both financially and spiritually. Blessings to you from the Lord.

With love to you, the Popov family.