Thanksgiving in the city center


Thanksgiving in the city of Novoselitsa.

Greetings to you brothers and sisters !!! May the grace and mercy of God come with you ..

1 ... 08/28/2019. There was Thanksgiving in the city center near the house of culture. Local Brothers organized a meeting for all the villagers. Our Church also came to this meeting and thanked God for all His gifts. Also, there were a lot of non-Christian people who attended our church .. We were very happy to see them and fellowship with them, we also thanked God for

them. At the end of the program, they called for repentance and many prayed and asked for a petition from the Lord.

2 ... Our church plans in December or January to visit one of the schools with a children's program and we will also give children from 1st to 4th grades gifts from the Samarenin’s Bag mission. And for this we need to collect lists of children. Alla talked with the principal and they agreed and gave lists. Pray that there will be no obstacles from the authorities.

3 ... Also this Sunday we plan and are preparing to make Thanksgiving in our Church on 10/13/2019. Children will have their own program... Young people will also prepare ... Guests will also come from Chernivtsi, this is the group of Zhenya's husband Naomi. They will also have their own programs. Naomi and Ruth began to praise God in the new Forgiven band. They will also be with us on Thanksgiving. Pray for many unbelievers to come this day.

4 ... Every month I visit a sick guy from our church, he has been lying for about three years now and his name is Vasya does not get up. Vasya’s parents are unbelieving, they look after him. Every time I visit him always testify to his parents about

God and pray for them, and Vasya also prays for their parents so that they know the Lord.

Pray for our children Eunice, Timothy, Abigail, Ruth, Naomi and Eugene. For their healthy physical, for spiritual growth, for service to the Lord .....

Pray for the Church so that it grows spiritually in the Lord and that you are always ready to serve Him ...

We thank you for having us and for supporting us morally, financially and spiritually.

May God be your guardian and helper in everything.

Sincerely, Popov’s family😊