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Ordination of new deacons

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!

Gospel for unbelievers:

-I am grateful to God for helping me to serve unbelieving people, so that they could learn more about Jesus Christ and His love.

1. In the Nesvoi church, we held 2 evangelizations at which we glorified God through the singing of our choir and youth choir. There were many unbelievers at these evangelizations, and at the end of the meeting one young girl repented - Glory to God. Then I realized that if you sow the seed of God, it does not return without fruit.

2. In 3 churches: the Nesvoi Church, the Bolkovets Church and in the Podvirnyanskaya Church, I held communions, due to the fact that there are temporarily no ministers there. There were 2 unbelievers in the Podvirnyanskaya church, of which one soul repented - Thank God! The other does not yet dare to accept Christ in the heart but we pray for this soul.

-I spent these services for 2 weeks, because their ministers were: one was sick, and the other went abroad with his family.

-I was invited to preach at a funeral in Balkovtsy where one sister passed away. Her children were unbelievers. They thanked us 3 preachers and our choir for actively participating in this funeral of our sister in the Lord. There were about 100 people present and half of them were unbelievers. Everyone listened attentively to the Word of God. One person, after this funeral, visits the prayer house. We pray for these people and for this village so that the Lord tests their hearts for repentance.

3. Together with the brothers from the Baptist association, we were at the ordination of 2 deacons in the church of Dinivtsi. Their names are: brother Leonid Paskar (brother of pastor Alex Paskar), they work with his wife and lead the church choir, have 6 children; and brother Veniamin Chupak, a youth leader, also work together with his wife with teenagers from the church. He has 6 children. At this service there were many unbelievers who listened to the Word of God attentively.

4. I conduct Bible lessons at the Bible Institute. I have classes with volunteers from many churches. In one of the churches, I taught classes from the lecture of the book "Marriage Without Regret." These classes were attended by 150 young families and youth. I taught these classes at the request of the young people present.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord would give me strength and wisdom, so that I could teach Bible lessons in churches in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray for these 2 deacons from the church in Dinivtsi whom we ordained to work in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

-For those who repented at the evangelizations who were led to make a covenant with Jesus Christ through water baptism.

- So that we do not get tired of helping refugees in all respects: morally, spiritually and materially.

-To end the war and bring peace to Ukraine.

-So that all the people who listened to the Word of God preached this month, may this Word be for their repentance.


-We are grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission, for supporting us missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission, both spiritually in your prayers for us, and financially so that we can work here and help other people who need help.

-We are grateful to God that our region, Chernivtsi, has not yet been bombed and so far it is quiet here. We pray to God that he will continue to give peace to our region so that we can work calmly and sow the word of God among people.

-And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord bless your work of donation for Ukraine. May God bless your families, your church and your country with peace and health. We always thank God for you. Be blessed!

With love, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.