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Camp Candela brought some fruits

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

Last week, from August 1 to August 6, as you already know, in Boyany, a Christian youth camp Non Stop "Candela" was held. With God's help, this camp was held, which was attended by 150 children, adolescents and youth, along with 22 leaders and 3 teachers, and also Brother Cornel Stef from the USA, Brother Pastor Will from the USA, and Brother Mark from England. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and your financial help to make this camp possible for us.

The camp was divided into 3 groups, by age:

The first group consisted of teenagers and young people. From 13 to 18 years old. There were 40 teenagers and youth of 17-18 years old. They studied in the group of the teacher pastor Pavel Petikhachny. They studied the Book of the Apostle James from the New Testament. Thank God for the fact that children from this group both from believing families and from unbelieving people repented. We are especially happy for the children from the migrants who were with us in the camp. We are glad that they understood the Word of God and responded to the call of Christ with repentance. Brother Pavel's group taught lectures in Russian so that it would be understandable to Russian-speaking children and even Ukrainian-speaking children, because both languages ​​are understood in Ukraine. Also, 2 days in a row for one hour, in the mornings, brother pastor Will from the USA and brother Mark from England spoke to these children. The translation in this group was into Ukrainian and our missionary brother Alex Pastushak translated them. In the evenings in the Worship program in the camp Brother Will also preached two evenings in a row, on Wednesday and Thursday - Thank God. There were children who repented at his sermon. They went out to repentance on Friday evening when there was a general call to repentance. So about 60 children, teenagers and young men repented in general - Thank God! Of the 120 vacationers, half of them repented. May God help them to keep the path of faith until the end of their days! We pray for them.

The second group was also made up of teenagers and young people from 13 to 18 years old. They studied with the teacher pastor Gregory Kioresko. There were 40 students there. They were lectured on the heroes of faith in Hebrews 13. There were very interesting classes and they were held in Romanian. Because these children are from the Romanian villages of our Chernivtsi region. Thank God that many teenagers and young men from this group repented. Here, brothers from America also spent two days of 1 hour classes and they were translated Romanian by our translator Alina Marcinyuk.

The third group, the youngest, was also created from 40 children. Children from 10 to 12 years old. There were few children 7 and 8 years old. These are the children of our leaders and missionaries. They were very interested in the lessons of teacher Tamara Bozdugan. They had games and applications, as well as lessons from Bible stories. Thank God that almost all of these children came to repentance.

We will then write to you the testimonies of children and adolescents who repented in our camp. We are just waiting for all the leaders to give us the necessary information about these souls that repented.

All vacationers really liked this camp. We praise God for protecting us all during this difficult time of the war in Ukraine. We were very worried about each child and were very worried about the brothers who came to us from America. Thank God that he gave us, on the territory of our region, a peaceful sky! There, in the camp, everything was interesting, different games, sports, swimming in the pool. They didn’t allow us only to make an evening fire because of this war. But this is not important. Important that we spent these 5 days in a very interesting way for the children and for the benefit of them too. Many of them have acquired Salvation for their souls - Praise God!

We are grateful to God for our leaders who have worked very fruitfully in this camp. May the Lord bless them. For the worship group, thank them and God! God bless you!

We are also grateful for the family of Pastushak Alex and Nadia, who translated the brothers from the USA, filmed the entire camp on video - thank you for this valuable work. May the Lord bless them. We also thank God for our 3 teachers who worked fruitfully and sowed the Word of God among these children. May the Lord bless all those who worked in this camp!

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Brother Cornel Steph, President of the PIEI mission. He came by car from Rumunia, accompanied by brothers Will from the USA and brother Mark from England. They fruitfully worked sowing the Word of God both among the children in the camp and among the refugees in Chernivtsi, Novoselitsa, Dinivtsi and Tarasovtsy. 15 refugees also live in the camp there, and these brothers had conversations with them. These people are very grateful that our brothers found time for them to listen to their pain, their wanderings and their suffering. Brother Cornell has not been at home in the family for a whole month , in the USA, but worked for a whole month, both in Ukraine and in Romania. We pray that the Lord bless the path of these brothers home.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the fact that you, brothers and sisters from the USA, helped us and sponsored this camp, because all our prices jumped terribly up during this difficult time for Ukraine and it would be difficult for children to pay such an amount.

With a prayer of gratitude, we ask the Lord for all the blessings for you. May God bless you a hundredfold!

We continue to pray for all the resting children who were in our camp. This year there were more than half of the children from unbelieving families. We pray for those who repented, and for those who have not yet had the courage to come forward to repentance. We know that the Word sown will not be return without fruit. We believe that the Lord will work in the hearts of these children - Glory to Him for everything!

Thank you again for everything, be blessed!

With love to you, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.