Greetings, brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ!
I want to thank God for helping me this month in the gospel and in preaching the Word of the Holy Gospel for believers and unbelievers. I thank everyone who prayed for me so that I could fulfill my goal.
1. Evangelism:
-On Saturday, this month, in the church of the village of Nesvoi mi, they carried out an evangelization with one group (Gloria) of 8 people who came from Romania. They glorified the Lord through the singing of beautiful psalms, poems and the preaching of the gospel. There were guests of our house of prayer who listened to the Word of God. Pray for them.
Our choristers also plan, next Sunday, to conduct an evangelization in the church of the village of Bilivtsi. There recently opened a new House of Prayer. We also pray for this evangelization so that people come to repentance.
2. The blessing of children:
-October 6th in our church was a holiday for the whole church and for the family of our leader Tanya and her husband Dorin. They brought their newborn daughter Rachel to the church for blessing. I, along with our church, prayed over Rachel so that she would have, all her life, God's protection and blessings. Young people congratulated this family and everyone was happy for them.
-Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support that helps us expand the work of God in Ukraine. I thank all those from the USA who are our partners in the service of God.
-Thank you for praying for the family of brother Pascar Alex, his children were in a car accident and 4 children are injured and are in the hospital. Adela and Inga have to lie a lot on their back due to a spinal injury. Inga has two broken ribs, and Adela has 3 broken ribs, a cracked bone in the throat and a head injury. We prayed and pray with our churches so that the Lord would heal them.
4. Prayer needs:
-Pray further for the Pascar family, that the Lord will heal his children, strengthen both brother Alex and his wife Hope with health and patience.
-Pray that in 2020, our brothers from the USA will send to us, in Ukraine, teachers for our youth camp of our mission PIEI Ukraine.
-Pray that we will continue to have the strength and ability to serve the Word of God and material help in boarding schools for orphans, as well as in the ATO zone where there is still war in the east of Ukraine. Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.
Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. Love you and pray for you.
Sincerely, brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny.