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Two big evangelizations


God's peace brothers and sisters! I want to thank God for having God's protection in glorifying Christ this month. I thank everyone who prayed for my success and the success of my family in the gospel of Christ.

1. Evangelism:

 - I spent two big evangelizations in the village of Podvirnoe. On these evangelizations there were many unbelievers who listened to the Word of God. After evangelization, 2 souls repented and they desire to become members of the living church.

- I conducted evangelism in the church of the village of Nesvoia, and in the church of the village of Zhilovka. There is a woman in the church of Zhilovka village, now our sister is in the Lord, who, after repenting, wants to receive water baptism. Pray for her.

2. I performed the Refraction in two churches: in Nesvoi and in Zhilovka. And also I visited the sick from these churches with bread-breaking, where I encouraged and prayed together.


-Have two funerals in our church. My cousin, George Petihachny, died. His children were still unbelievers and listened to the Word of God which was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. There were so many unbelievers who also listened to the Word of God. Then there was another funeral. One of the minister’s brothers, who was responsible for the church from the village of Podvirnoye, had a son (Andrei, 16). We were with this family and comforted them with the Word of God. There were so many people who were listening to the Word. We pray for all these people so that the Lord touches their hearts.


-Thank you for supporting me with your prayers and finances.

-Thank you for praying for peace in Ukraine.

-I thank you for praying and praying for Christian youth ministry in Ukraine.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray that my family and I will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) in three churches. September 29 in the church in Nesvoi, and then next Sunday in the villages of Podvirnoye and Zhilovka. For many unbelievers to come to this holiday and let them hear the Word of God.

-For young families who are in our churches so that they are kindled in their gifts for the glorification of Christ.

-For those to whom we preached this month, either at evangelism, or at a funeral (which are also called evangelism), so that these people who heard the Word of God change their minds and come to God.

And we brothers and sisters pray for you and greet you with the love of Jesus Christ! Greetings also from my family.

With respect to you, brother Pavel and sister Larisa Petihachny.