Greetings to you through the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sister in Christ!
So one week of hard work passed in the Christian camp “Lamp” - Boyana 2019. We thank God that He gave us spiritual strength to spend, in the power of the Holy Spirit, the central Christian youth camp Non Stop, misii PIEI Ukraine.
I know, my dears, that you all are our partners in evangelism, praying earnestly for our team of leaders, for teachers, for youth and children who were in this camp. And indeed this camp was blessed by God. Thank God, and thank you very much for finances that helped us hold this camp.
There were a total of 135 teenagers, leaders, and 4 teachers in the camp. There were 4 groups of children and youth.
1.Bible studing
-In the first group of the camp, brother Pavel Petikhachniy taught in an inductive textbook — the Gospel of John the first part. He had 39 young people in the group.
-In the second group there were also 37 young people who studied the History of Joseph in the book of Genesis by the teacher Kyoresko Gregory.
-The third group was from teenagers and was led by her teacher, sister Tamara Buzdugan from the village of Dinivtsi. There were 25 teenagers and they made an overview of the Old and New Testaments.
-And a fourth group of children (17 children under 10 years old) studied the Bible in a children's program with a teacher, Valentina Grishka from Tarasovtsy.
Thanks to the hard work of teachers and leaders, and by God's grace and love for us, about 40 children and youth repented in the camp. We will write their testimony to you. Now we will briefly describe those blessed events from our camp and thank God for His blessings.
2. Sport.
There were very interesting sports games every day for our children. Thank God, every day there was wonderful weather for these games. Everyone was very pleased and received prizes.
3. Glorification and worship:
-Every evening, in the camp, worship and worship were held with young people. There were sermons and songs, games and quizzes, scenes, Christian films, a bonfire and communication with young people. Thank God for the hard work of our leaders. We are also grateful to brother Alex Pastushak for that he performed his work so beautifully, took pictures and made videos about our camp. He worked during the day, and edited the video for the camp until 3 o’clock at night. Thank God for such a brother in our mission.
- We sincerely thank you, brothers and sisters, for your great support for our camp. If it weren’t for you, we don’t know if we could hold this camp. We thank everyone who prayed for us and for our camp, for your donations ( money, pens, sweets) for our camp. May the Lord bless you abundantly and return you many blessings.
5. Prayer needs:
-Pray please for those who repented in this camp for those 40 youth and children. Pray for all the others who did not dare to go ahead to repent. Let the Lord touch their hearts so that they repent.
-Pray for two girls from the village of Forosna and one girl from the village of Dinivtsi. They repented and their parents are unbelievers, and have already begun to persecute them. We pray and believe that the Lord will control everything and will protect these girls and strengthen their Faith in Christ the Savior.
-Pray further on my family, that God will give us health and strength, wisdom and patience, and that we work on His field with full dedication.
-Pray further that there will be peace in Ukraine.
Soon we will write more about our camp. Be blessed!
With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.