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August 2016- Ukraine Camp

Dear brothers and sisters, 

We want to share with you the news about the PIEI camp “Candle” that was from 1st to 6th August in Boian. 

There were 152 of teens and children who were split into three classes. 

The first class studied a wonderful study about evolution taught by Patricia Grupp. The topic about evolution is actual and very interesting. The second class studied the Blessings from Mathew, taught by Pavel Petihachny. The third class was of children under 12, and they studied the Creation taught by sister Tatiana. They also enjoyed the handcraft and sports games. 

Thank you for candy and the money you have sent for the camp. The teens liked the candy a lot. May the Lord reward your sacrifice!

The most beautiful part at camp was on the last night, when brother Pavel called the teens for repentance. More than 50 children and teenagers came in front and accepted the Lord in their heart. Praise the Lord for His greatness! That night we felt the Holy Spirit working at the teens’ hearts. We also felt the prayers of brothers and sisters from Ukraine and from the USA. Thank you for praying for the camp, for sister Patricia and for Mike, the interpreter. They did a great work! God has rewarded their labor by awakening to repentance so many teenagers! 

At camp there were a lot of teenagers from unsaved families, and we were very happy to see many of them coming in front and accepting Jesus in their hearts. Our leaders will meet them after camp, talking to them and inviting them to Sunday schools or to the youth meetings of our youth.  Besides Bible study the teens had different sports games and competitions, as well beautiful programs during the praise and worship time. Everybody enjoyed the camp and told us that 5 days are too little for them, to what we answered to thank the Lord for these days, because they are a gift from the Lord. 

Below we are writing some testimonies of children and teens who repented at camp this year:

Alyssa, Mamaliga village, 13 years old

Thank you for inviting me to the camp. Here God has touched me by His Word. We studied “The Blessings”. It is a wonderful study in which Jesus teaches us to be alike Him. Only with God’s help we can say:  “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.” Now I got the joy of salvation, praise the Lord!

Karina, Dranitsa village, 10 years old

I thank God for working so wonderful through His Word on me during this camp. I have studied about God’s creation in Tatiana’s group. Thank you and everybody who helped this camp to be. I can’t wait next year to come to camp again. I will tell my friends about the PIEI camp “Candela”. I thank God to be His child. 

Marina, Vanchikauts village, 14 years old

I praise the Lord for working so wonderfully in my life so that I accepted Him in my heart. At camp I studied a study about creation and evolutionism taught by sister Patricia. The theory of evolutionism has led a lot of people into error. Even nowadays many people having the Bible don’t read it, but believe the wrong things from the Internet about evolutionism. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to be in this camp and study wonderful things about Him. I liked everything at camp. 

Elaina 14, Chernovtsy

We have a wonderful God. He created us in a wonderful way, as He is! I have studied in sister Patricia’s class. The lessons were super! But the best thing was that God’s Spirit has worked at my heart and I accepted the Lord as my Savior. What a joy to know that I belong to God! Now I have peace and can tell the others about God’s love. Thank you for doing everything to increase the ministry of God in Ukraine. Thank you for this camp.

There are other beautiful testimonies and there is a lot to be written. We ask you to pray for all the teenagers who repented at camp this year. Especially we pray for those who come from unsaved families to be strengthened in their faith.

Thank you for everything you do for Ukraine. Be blessed.

With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny