We met new year on knees

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, we greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise God for helping me to survive the New Year 2022. I am always grateful for the fact that He helped me, throughout the past year, to work in His Field, preach the Word of God, visit the sick and help people in need.

1. Evangelism:

-25 January I, with our youth, went to the village of Forosny and did a festive evangelization in that church. After the meeting, we went from house to house to people with carols and sang to them about the Savior Jesus Christ. We also distributed Christian calendars to everyone. People from the village received us with love and listened attentively to the Word of God. We pray for this village that the Lord will awaken people to repentance.

-31 January, together with the church, we met, in our prayers, the New Year 2022. We thanked the Lord for the past year. For the fact that God protected us and our families, for a good harvest in our fields, for the fact that while in our area it is calm and peacefully and we can sow the Word of God while we are in the time of Grace. Thank God that our church is attended by one young family and the mother of one guy (Vasily) who was baptized 2 years ago. We pray that they will repent.

2. Bread-breaking and blessings of children:

On January 2, together with the church, we remembered the death and suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ. After the service of the Breaking of Bread, there was another ministry - the Blessing of the Child. The Chupak family Venya and Natalya brought their little girl Sofia for the blessing. I, together with the church and the parents of this girl, prayed for Sophia that the Lord would lay His Holy Hands over this child and bless her, protect her from all diseases and that she would grow up to the joy of her parents and for God's Glory. The children of our church also had a beautiful program congratulations for this family.


-Thank the Lord for the past year, for the fact that He introduced us in a miraculous way and blessed us.

-For peace in our area.

-Thank God for you, brothers and sisters, for your sacrifice and for the fact that you support us in our ministry here.

4.Prayer requests:

-Pray for an end to the war in the South East of Ukraine.

-Pray for those people who come to our meetings that they will repent.

-Pray for the evangelistic meetings that we planned on January 7, 8 and 9. We will have Christmas in the old style. So our village is celebrating and we will celebrate together with the village. We have invited many people to our evangelism. Pray that people come to these evangelism and repentance.

-Pray for me that the Lord would strengthen my health, because I caught a little cold, and that the Lord would protect us all from the pandemic disease.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters. That the Lord bless you with health and peace. And return you a hundredfold blessings for your work for Ukraine. Accept hearty Christian greetings from my family! With love to you, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar