Social assistance

Peace and grace of God be with you all, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine!

I thank the Lord for helping us to work in God's field this month too.

1. Thanksgiving:

-I praise the Lord for helping our church get together to celebrate the day of thanksgiving for the spiritual harvest and for the harvest from our fields this year 2021. We also thank you, brothers and sisters, for praying for us and no one fell ill with a pandemic. Our youth have prepared a good program for this evangelism, as well as the Sunday school children and our church choir. The Word was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit and we thanked God for everything that He sent us this year. We are grateful to God that came and 4 people from the world who listened attentively to the Word. We also had a table of love together with the church. Near our church there is one good cafe and we ordered a table there for our church. There we continued our celebration of the glorification of the Lord. All the fruits and other sweets that we brought to the church, we took to Chernivtsi in the hospital for mentally ill. It was already on the second day in the morning. They were very happy for such delicious bakery products, cakes and fruits.

2. Bread breaking:

-On the first Sunday of October, we, together with the church, had a breaking of bread and remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. I also visited one patient with a breaking of bread at home, where this soul also rejoiced that it could, together with all members of our church, recall the sufferings of our Lord on the cross of Calvary.


-Together with his wife Nadia, I visited a church from Forosna. There, the pastor's brother got sick and we visited this small church there. I preached the Word and they were very happy that we visited them. We pray for this church too.

4.Social assistance:

- We helped one family whose mother fell ill with Covid and died in the hospital. The child survived, thank God! There is such grief, but material help is very necessary. And we also help families where there are material needs. People praise God, seeing that the Church of Christ is not indifferent to those in need.


-Thanks to God for protecting my family and our church, and this month, from the pandemic.

-Thank you brothers and sisters from the United States for praying for us and for your support in our ministry here in Ukraine.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord will continue to save us and our families from Covid's disease, so that we can continue to serve God without any obstacles.

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end, because young guys continue to die in this war.

-Pray for those people from the world who visit our church that the Lord will touch their hearts through His Holy Word.

We pray for you, brothers and sisters, that the Lord will bless you all, your families and your country. We pray that the Lord will protect you from this pandemic. The Lord is Great and Almighty. He will protect His Church from all evil, Glory be to God!

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.