Baptism in Dynivtsy

Greetings to you dear brothers and sisters with the love of our Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for His love and mercy for me, for the fact that He helped me this month, working fruitfully in the Field of God.


-August 15, the Lord helped organize an evangelization in our church in connection with the baptism of 6 souls through water baptism according to the New Testament. There were three young people and three middle-aged. From middle age there was one family, husband and wife, and also the brother of this wife. Of the young, the youngest daughter of this family is Margarita, Katerina who repented in 2019 in the camp in Boyany and Venya Paskar, my nephew from my brother. All these young people were in the camp in Boyany and repented. Thank God that the Lord prompted them to conclude and covenant with Jesus Christ. We are grateful to God that the Lord heard the prayers of all of us who prayed for Katerina. Her parents are unbelievers and they did not allow her to go to the meeting, and now everyone was present at this evangelization and even congratulated Katya and gave her bouquets with flowers - Thank God! We pray for her parents, for her sister and for all her relatives that the Lord would test their hearts and open up to them so that they would repent.


For this evangelization, the Word of God was preached in the Power of the Holy Spirit. There were brothers from the regional office of the ECB of the Chernivtsi region. Our choir and young people also glorified the Lord through singing. Also the family of Millstones, Andrey and Maria, came and sang to the glory of the Lord. Brother Pavel Petihachny and brother Grigory Kioresko preached. We pray that the Lord will touch many hearts that listened to the Word.

2. Repentance:

-It is also good news that my eldest granddaughter Nadia 11 years old (Alenina and Tolika's daughter) and my niece Yulia 14 years old repented. They repented in the camp but decided to go out in front of the church to repent. The church supported them in prayer. We pray that the Lord will strengthen their young faith and that they serve the Lord and be blessed for the rest of their lives.



-Tanya, our niece, got married and we were at this wedding, where we celebrated with the whole family. Tanya was the leader in the 2019 camp in Boyany and worked with the children in Sunday school in our church. We will certainly miss her, but what can you do. She got married and left to live in Chernivtsi with her husband. May the Lord bless this marriage and strengthen them with His wisdom and love!

4. Social assistance.

-Our church helped with money one woman whose daughter is sick and bedridden. We pray for them.


-On the last Sunday of August, we blessed all pupils and students who entered the new academic year in schools and universities. We prayed that the Lord would strengthen their faith, that he would protect them from all diseases and evil. May the Lord bless all our children and grandchildren!


-I am grateful to God for protecting our church from a pandemic.

-For the fact that he protected children from this disease in the camp and everything was under the protection of the Lord.

-For the young people repented in the camp and in the church.

- because the Lord helped to carry out this baptism and because many people heard the Word of God.

-Thank God for the fact that our partners in evangelism in Ukraine helped us with finances and we were able to organize this Christian camp in Boyany - Thank God for everything!

7.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those who were baptized, for those who repented, so that the Lord would strengthen everyone in faith.

-For those who heard the Word of God to repent.

-Pray for our church. On September 12, there will be ordinations for 2 deacons. That the Lord bless and lead this ministry.

-For our church, so that the Lord will protect us from the pandemic and give everyone health, Pray for me and my family that the Lord will strengthen us and protect us from the attacks of the evil one.

We are very grateful to you brothers and sisters for the precious help that you give us here in the ministry. May the Lord bless you and reward you a hundredfold. We always pray for you and your families.

With love to you, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.